Self hosted open source simultaneous multiuser password safe with .deb or .rpm and an end user webui/android app
I'm looking into different self hosted open source multiuser password safes and while there are many options I haven't found one with a .deb or .rpm install - only a whole bunch of docker compose.
Do you know of any good options that are included in debian 12 or fedora 39 repositories or at least that has a .deb or .rpm?
Currently I'm using keepassxc but been asked for something that either has a webui login for end users or an android app.
edit 2024-02-17:
After looking into the .deb and .rpm options available (passbolt or unofficial vaultwarden-deb) I decided to bite the bullet and install a debian 12 vm that I will try out different docker solutions on.
Vaultwarden is simpler to selfhost implementation of Bitwarden server fully compatible with it's apps.
ArchLinux have the server in official repos.
For Debian (.deb) I have found this unofficial repo:
Be mindful it suggests stupid installation method by downloading and executing the script directly, you may want to read it yourself before install.
For .rpm I haven't find any repositories that are actively maintained, but you may have more luck.
There are keepass android apps like KeePassDX. You can have server sync with WebDav, but I don't know about shared databases. Should work if you configure the WebDav server etc.
A friend of mine is a big fan of bitwarden but I have no Idea if that fits your requirement. Should have a webui tho.
The problem with the KeePass apps is that it works by syncing database files which means that there can be sync conflicts. Okay for me to handle, but not for the rest of my household.
I really want a server-client system where everyone works in the same database.
Bitwarden is Docker, but also very well-liked. Might have to give up on the .deb / .rpm wish.
Thanks for the suggestion!
The usual go to for self hosted password managers is VaultWarden. There's no deb or rpm package but you can get it spun up with docker pretty easily. Any reason you're specifically looking for "included" or packaged solutions? That's going to severely limit your options.
A quick search led me to Passbolt which has multiple user support, native installs for both Debian and Fedora (you'll need to add their repo manually, though) and an Android app, so it seems to fit all your criteria.
Just curious, are there any specific reasons you wish to avoid docker?
Easier for me to add a vm in my current system to handle backup, rollbacks and system updates. I'm much more confident that I can quickly restore a vm to new hardware f.e. Which feels important for a password vault.
Thanks a lot for the passbolt recommendation. Gonna look into it now!
If you're already using a VM anyway (especially for the backend/web UI piece) restoring the image won't be any different for a server running docker vs one running apt packages.
FYI, if you run vaultwarden using docker compose with your data volume as a folder, all you have to do is bring it down for like 1minute, make a backup of the folders, and bring it back up. I use a cron script to do this nightly. When my vps host went out of business, I restored my docker folder to a new vps and was up and running again in a couple minutes. Also, you could easily restore it to a virtual machine, if you like. Docker with compose is extremely portable.