Trump Is Losing It: It is unclear whether Donald Trump has forgotten the precise nature of NATO or whether he ever fully grasped it in the first place.
Unfortunately for Biden, the former president benefits from something akin to the soft bigotry of low expectations.
What is clear, however, is that Trump — who ostensibly spent four years as president of the United States — has little clue about what NATO is or what NATO does. And when he spoke on the subject at a rally in South Carolina over the weekend, what he said was less a cogent discussion of foreign policy than it was gibberish — the kind of outrageous nonsense that flows without interruption from an empty and unreflective mind.
“One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay, and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’” Trump said, recalling an implausible conversation with an unnamed, presumably European head of state. “‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’” Trump recounted responding. “‘No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.’”
The former president’s message was clear: If NATO members do not pay up, then he will leave them to the mercy of a continental aggressor who has already plunged one European country into death, destruction and devastation.
Except NATO isn’t a mafia protection racket. NATO, in case anyone needs to be reminded, is a mutual defense organization, formed by treaty in 1949 as tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union hardened into conflict. “The parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all,” states Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.
At the time it was correct and very much not pointless. Where we fucked up was staying around and trying to nation build. Moment we destroyed al qaeda we should have left.
And the attack was done by rogue non-state actors. Europe agreed to go burn a whole district because a thug who lived roughly there punched USA in the face. Now Europe faces an entire mafia from another town and Trump says "should've bought better gear, bye suckers".
Also "you have to pay your bills, unlike me who literally NEVER pays ANY bills." I mean, if there is one consistent element in Trump's character for the decades he's doing business is that he's constantly stiffing people.
Worked with a batshit crazy old lady in the quality department for about a year. She was stuck there (both job and location) while she cared for her very elderly mother. Before that she had something to do with finance, fashion and F1 racing (like a client liaison or something) but any way. She recalled a tale from late 80s early 90s of being in a very specific bank (Royal back of Scotland?) and watching Mr Trump storm out after being denied a loan. The utter bliss she experienced in telling that story every ting i asked to hear it again... Brought happiness to my heart.
What is insane is that people are still taking the fall for him. When it's pretty clear Donnie cares only for himself. Everyone has convinced themself that they're special. No, they're not. Everyone is a stooge to Donnie.
The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, And Hells Angels lied to me. I thought mob bosses were intelligent, charismatic, and capable of playing 4d chess. Meanwhile...
"One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, 'Well, sir,
Imma stop it right there. It's always possible that someone, out of a general professional attitude or decorum, used that 'sir' wording, but I'll be damned if I've heard Trump use that word in a context that doesn't sound like he's just making some bullshit up.
I mean, he pretty much always sounds like he's making some shit up, but my point stands!
I like how John Bolton (who is a massive douche nozzle by the way but gotta give credit where credit is due) called Trump out by saying that any time Trump tells a story where someone calls him "sir" then you know it's absolute bullshit.
This fucking guy... LOL oh man that is something isn't it? The guy famous for never paying his bills says this about a REAL life and death situation... FUCK TRUMP
For the GOP voters? 50+ yrs of highly concentrated, and pointed propaganda.
For the nonvoters? Bc their favorite social media sites (this one included) are full of russian bad faith actors working to make Status Quo Joe seem somehow worse, or, at the very least, more ineffectual, than ronald mcdump.
Just saw a fella here the other day absolutely screeching and livid that Joe "hasn't done anything for Flint." I mean, neither did Donald and also Donald hamstrung the EPA as best he could to make things worse all over the nation.
The dishonesty is so overt. That guy didn't respond to anything, either, so no updates if he is concerned for the EPA or not.
The funny thing is, Russia would never actually strike NATO. I don't know what the fuck State or JCS are letting him get away with while DOJ jacks off with reports about the incumbent's mental health, but Trump needs to be gagged and thrown into solitary yesterday.
It certainly has the exact structure of all the other Russian agitation material, designed to breed resentment.
I can imagine the typical low-information voter: "What? They think we're required to fight for them? And they refuse to do their share at the same time? Oh the entitlement!" - bam - anger against EU, happy about Trump supposedly calling them out, may even support leaving NATO.
True, but EU countries not contributing to mutual defense also helps Putin. Both are bad. Some EU countries are finally adding some defense spending now there's a literal war on their continent.
The lack of defense spending in Europe is pushed by European political parties partially supported by Russia. So basically, Putin has created the problem that he told Trump to yell about.
It's a NYTimes article. As much stupid shit as Trump has said, he was right about the NYT. And that's why they have all these very shareable articles exploring every nook and cranny of his psyche. This article would have been exhausting to read in 2017.
Trump supporters are more pathetic than the man himself. This is exemplified simply because this demonstration of his ineptitude as well as his various acts of indecency and immorality cannot and will not sway their opinion of the man.
The only way to change their opinion of him is for Trump himself to "go woke" so hard they no longer recognize him as their Cheeto covered Jesus.
Remember in 2016 when Republican types were adamant that Hillary wouldn't be tough enough on Putin, and that Liberals were Communists? And that the Liberals would let Russia do whatever it wanted?
And now those same Republicans are outspoken against helping Ukraine, and want to let Russia just have it. Their preferred candidate wants to dismantle the organization of countries that stands as the United front against Russian expansion. Working deliberately and blatantly toward Putin's interests isn't a problem to them at all.
Back then, I thought that if there was a single (decent) principle they actually stand for, that would have been it. Apparently I was wrong.
Emails that WikiLeaks apparently has but said "nah we're not going to release them because there's totes nothing in there trust us".
They could've been neutral and trustworthy. Instead they had an axe to grind against Hillary, and prioritized that over being known for objective truth.
At this point I suspect the main damage is done. But the dirt was found out a different way.
The big secret to hide was campaign funding and coordination. But Trump won anyway. Then didn't even get in trouble for it.
And later the Russia>>NRA dark money link was found and reported on. Without the media then going ape shit that the funnel was really Russia>>NRA>>GOP. And without any of the Biden administration cracking down on what happened.
So I suspect it's why they're all even more brazen now. Some of the dirt was found. It didn't amount to any punishment. So why bother trying to hide now?
Both sides though, right? I mean… we have one guy wanting to plunge America into absolute chaos by dismantling hundreds of years of progress and ending democracy as we know it just so he can protect his sad little crumbling empire of corruption….
Based on discourse online post the invasion of Ukraine, it seems there's a few Americans that don't know what NATO is/does, nor how it differentiates from how the US conducts its military. For starters, it's anti-militant—kind of the point—unless it has no other viable resort, and it's the threat of that last resort that bolsters the passive-security within NATO. It is safety in numbers and it fails if the herd scatters.
As a result, Article 5 has only needed to be acted upon once and the irony is that it was the US that raised the call for help and the other nations responded.
If Trump has his way, WW3 will kick off, everyone will suffer, and it'll end with the US saying, "Fucking hell. Wow. Let's not let that happen again. We need some sort of agreement to make sure of that."
“Fucking hell. Wow. Let’s not let that happen again. We need some sort of agreement to make sure of that.”
I don't think humans have that much self-awarneess anymore, I think Trump can literally kill 12 million people with his bare hands and most people will say "Aww shucks" aside from a vocal minority, with the media calling such actions "Divisive" at worst
Anti-militant is a terrible mischaracterization. NATO is existentially militant, it's a super federation of militarized powers. What they are is a defensive pact. They don't conquer territory, western powers have been out of that business since before the formation of the alliance.
Putin's gambit that the herd might scatter is a really big bet for an empire that's already over-extended trying to protect force onto territory that isn't rightfully theirs. How long does he think he can keep paying off enough westerners to prevent a non-nato fraternal response?
For starters, it’s anti-militant—kind of the point—unless it has no other viable resort
Umm. Well. Are we including NATO-sponsored invasions err... peacekeeping conflict-resolution interventions?
NATO doesn't only operate in defense, there have been a long list of NATO-sponsored interventions outside NATO membership: Kuwait/Iraq, the Balkans, Libya. One can argue whether NATO operations were justified in those cases, but I don't think any of them could be described as anti-militant, or that there were no other viable options. Doing nothing was an option, for example.
With Article 4, they will respond to threats with enough recourse to prevent it or provide aid and assistance for operations focused toward peace. The "threat" being one the collective nations of NATO agree that a member of NATO will not be able to handle alone, thus its security will be compromised, and that would lead to Article 5 being invoked when it could've been avoided earlier.
Whether he knows what it is, is totally irrelevant. All he cares, is that he has something else he can hate on, something which his followers don't understand, so he can show them he's the man who stands up to people. Whether he is standing up to someone or not.
He was president for 4 years and treated it like retirement. Even if it was explained to him exactly what NATO was several times, I doubt he paid attention or cared enough to retain the information.
Putin doesn't like NATO and that's all he needs to know about it.
It's a bit weird hearing people make a huge fuss over Trump not taking the Russian threat seriously while they themselves are refusing to spend even just the minimum they've already agreed to spend on defence. Especially if we're looking at the potential of the US being an unreliable partner, shouldn't we be putting a lot more effort into shoring things up here at home? (Canadian)
And when he spoke on the subject at a rally in South Carolina over the weekend, what he said was less a cogent discussion of foreign policy than it was gibberish — the kind of outrageous nonsense that flows without interruption from an empty and unreflective mind.
“One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay, and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’” Trump said, recalling an implausible conversation with an unnamed, presumably European head of state.
The former president’s message was clear: If NATO members do not pay up, then he will leave them to the mercy of a continental aggressor who has already plunged one European country into death, destruction and devastation.
NATO, in case anyone needs to be reminded, is a mutual defense organization, formed by treaty in 1949 as tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union hardened into conflict.
Or consider the time, last November, when Trump confused China and North Korea, telling an audience of supporters in Florida that “Kim Jong Un leads 1.4 billion people, and there is no doubt about who the boss is.
And because no one now expects him to be a responsible political figure with a coherent vision for the country, it’s as if no one blinks an eye when he rants and raves on the campaign trail.
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To me Trump has no business commenting on NATO at all. He has no business commenting on anything I don't care if he was president. The man is a jackass and is way out of his depth. Why we tolerate it is insane.
Our politicians operate closer to nobility of a bygone era then they do of members of a republic. For this they deserve the guillotine.