That's interesting, when I learned to touch type in school we weren't taught to use the right shift. Likely an oversight rather than intentional, but I just use my pinky to hit the left shift while using the left hand side of the keyboard.
I rarely use it. While I did learn proper touch typing (on an actual typewriter back in the stone age), I mostly use the left shift key even when capitalizing letters typed with my left hand. If I use right shift at all, it's only for a few awkward letters (mostly Z).
Same for me. I learned "proper" touch type but never retained it. Instead I hover type with whichever hand is convenient. Can still hit 120WPM with >90% accuracy though
Yes! When I'm typing in a form where hitting "Enter" acts like a "Submit" button.. I'll use "Right Shift" + "Enter" to create a line break instead of submitting the form.
This also happens with, say, chat support windows. So, not always form fields, I guess.
I use it way more than I use the left one. In fact, I think that I only use the later for keyboard shortcuts (like Ctrl+Shift+Alt+→ or ← to change workspace).
I really had to think hard and I guess I seldom use it. I touch-type but somehow my body has learnt to use only the left hand for almost all the modifier keys no matter how many keys I have to press there. It's actually a good idea that I only realise now that I should map that right shift for something else.
I have it set up so when I hit both shifts at once it swaps my keyboard between US English and "English international deadkeys" typing since I need to be able to write in French sometimes.
I have only ever used the right shift in some game that used damn near everything on the keyboard, so left and right shift each did something unique. I wanna say ARMA but I can't remember what the function of right shift was; I just remember actually needing it regularly.