nonfuinoncuro "pal"
I see what you did there... what a WORLD
49 1 Replystate_electrician Fun fact: the executioner who operated the electric chair was called the state electrician in some states.
46 0 Replybionicjoey "Electrocutioner" would be so much cooler
49 0 Reply
It's either Belarus, China, North Korea or USA.
21 0 ReplyKlear Really? Cause you never think of those three as having their shit together.
2 0 Replyuis
List of countries with death penalty
1 0 Reply
Is that a torture device for his pokemon in his belt?
15 0 Replykreekybonez
...or a pleasure device
you decide which is worse
5 1 Reply
Mbourgon everywhere I don’t get this, I’m guessing Pokémon, but came to say
14 21 Replyleidkultur Magnemite evolves to…
Biblically accurate Magnemite
20 0 Replyirmoz I think you basically already know enough to get it. He's using the Magnetite to perform execution, and seems depressed by this job. But his Pokemon evolving suddenly makes him excited.
10 0 Reply