Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown
Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown
Andra Day performed the hymn "Lift Every Voice and Sing" before the Super Bowl, prompting backlash from some MAGA supporters.
Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown
Andra Day performed the hymn "Lift Every Voice and Sing" before the Super Bowl, prompting backlash from some MAGA supporters.
This is such a non-thing that it hurts to even consider how stupid it is.
But, let’s consider:
Republicans are anti free speech and always have been. ✅
Remember they believe in Don't thread on me. Weird
Especially when it goes against their religion. And they follow the American civic religion
Oh, who are you kidding? Everyone is against mah freeze peach as long as they get to choose what gets said.
I don't think the nfl is what protected speech is about. They're welcome to be morons.
My favorite part was how they kept mentioning the sign language interpreters and then never showing them again. Like, give them a picture-in-picture or something. Otherwise, what's the point?
And just off camera we have sign interpreters. We wont show them but they are there
close-up of lips so the hearing impaired can lip read
My wife said the same thing during the game lol
I'm old enough to remember when shows used to have ASL interpreters in a little window. All the time. But I haven't seen it much since the 80s.
I imagine widespread adoption of closed captioning has reduced the need for ASL interpreters on TV.
We switched to closed captions over the course of the 90s. Irl events still use terps but using then on screen is now a specific choice. Usually the only times you’ll see ASL on screen these days is presidential addresses and shows that make a point to cast signers for Deaf characters
Garrett Morris was the best sign interpreter of all time.
I imagine those are more for people in the stadium. The people watching it on TV have closed captioning.
What doesn't send them into a meltdown? It's almost like they're the things that melt easily that they're so fond of calling everyone else.
Just like their bigoted positions on LGBTQ+ rights. Like, nobody is forcing you to identify as one. It's literally as respecting someone to be called John instead of Johnathan.
Then righties go, "bUT I dONt lIkE tHaT nAMe!"
So much for individual freedumb I guess.
They got upset by an energy savings change on Xbox, lmao
Old enough to remember when they went berserk over florescent light bulbs.
Old enough to remember when they lost their minds, because Obama suggested they check their tire pressure.
Cheeses? Do they melt like various cheeses? Mmmm cheeses.
That would at least explain the saggy orange thing they worship. lol
Damn you its time for brie.
They don't call America a melting pot for nothing ;)
"I'm STILL not standing for this divisive garbage. One nation. One anthem."
But kneeling during the national anthem was such utter disrespect that players should be fired?
God. These people are insufferable.
Let’s not forget that Kap got that suggestion from a Soldier. These asshats don’t bother with context or nuance, it’s all just too woke
Bruh I got into such an intense argument with my parents because I defended the BLM protests. They came at me hardcore for "violence" and "destruction of property". I asked them what the hell protestors were supposed to do to draw attention to their cause, and they told me that they would have respected a "peaceful protest".
I then pointed out the fact that Colin Kaepernick's career still hasn't recovered, and that they themselves haven't watched an NFL game since no, they wouldn't. My dad then of course whipped out his favorite "insult": "Fucking Liberal", and then proceeded to tell me that I have no respect for the flag.
The inability for them to think critically is absolutely astounding.
But kneeling during the national anthem was such utter disrespect that players should be fired?
Yeah, cause that was the good Christian White People anthem, not the evil BLM Antifa Communist Hate-American anthem.
Every complaint they make has a big old exception hole that they jump through.
She forgot the "ein Volk and ein Fürer" bit of the phrase. I'm sure it was just a minor oversight.
Doesn't take much to rile up the Trumpanzees.
There are so many snowflakes that you can trigger an avalanche by sneezing.
I mean really, what at this point won't send a dumb ass MAGA person into toddler tantrum territory?
Trump becoming dictator?
Hope they like potatoes
Fucking snowflakes lmao
FUCK MAGA. Every single one of them can fuck right off. They are babies, snowflakes, mouth breathing morons. They can't think for themselves, they have to be told how to feel. I wish these lemmings would walk out into the ocean and feed the sharks.
You forgot racist too
They said MAGA already
That's a big one too.
They want to be Russia so bad airdrop them over Russia. 🤷
No chutes though, save the tax dollars.
They’re worthless traitor filth. A waste of carbon.
The sharks don't want 'em. 🤮
Hey now, maybe don't insult the lemmings on Lemmy?
People on Lemmy are just as bad.
Didn't they throw a fit about this last year too?
Snowflakes gonna snowflake
broflake conservatives gonna cry and whine about literally everything.
what is this from?
My nightmares
Megg Mogg and Owl by Simon Hansellman. I think that panel is from the covid comics they made for Instagram but I don't really remember. That series was called Crisis Zone.
Looks like an excellent setup for a new Dimension 20 season.
I first heard Lift Every Voice and Sing in high school (which was back in the 90s, I'm old) and I liked it, much better than the official national anthem. It acknowledges the atrocities of the past while being hopeful of the future instead of the usual "rah rah our country is the greatest" crap.
Too much religion at the end for my taste, but I really like the rest of it.
Agreed, but since there are multiple verses, the last one can simply be omitted according to preference.
But is it styled after a British drinking song? That's the best thing about the current anthem.
Not even a very good one, at that!
Former Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake responded to a picture showing her sitting down during a performance of the hymn at last year's Super Bowl. Lake said on X, formerly Twitter, on Sunday: "I'm STILL not standing for this divisive garbage. One nation. One anthem."
If she really thought that she'd stand the fuck up.
Oh, so if she wasn't standing, was she kneeling then? Is it ok for them to kneel during the national anthem now?
“Me either!!!”, added Greg Abbott
I bet none of these dingbats complained when we were playing "God Bless America" everywhere after 9/11. MAGA shouldn't be the gatekeepers of patriotism.
They aren't. They think they are patriots, but in fact they are just nationalists. Nationalism is a gross perversion of patriotism. Under the guise of loving their country, it really just stands for hating everyone else.
Explain to them that the American national anthem doesn't represent black Americans because when that song was written black Americans were not free. The American national anthem was a lie then and is a lie now. Land of the free? Back then we had millions of slaves. And now we have millions of slaves.
What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy—a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour.
-Frederick Douglas, 4th of July speech
It’s not just that. Look up the subsequent verses of the Star Spangled Banner.
It’s about rounding up “fugitive” runaway slaves. It’s why no one discusses the latter verses.
It’s not just that. Look up the subsequent verses of the Star Spangled Banner.
It’s about rounding up “fugitive” runaway slaves. It’s why no one discusses the latter verses.
This is factually incorrect. The Star-Spangled Banner is about the War of 1812. The first stanza actually ends on a question, which is answered in the second stanza. I actually really like the first two stanzas together. The poetry in the second is beautiful.
O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream,
'Tis the star-spangled banner - O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
The only stanza that mentions slaves is the third. It says:
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Here the “band who so vauntingly swore” is referring to the British. The “Hireling” refers to Hessian mercenaries hired by the British, and “slave” refers to American slaves who (justifiably) defected to fight for the British, having been offered their freedom in exchange. When the British fled they abandoned those slaves and mercenaries to “the terror of flight and the gloom of the grave.” Problematic certainly, but not about rounding up runaway slaves.
Finally we get the fourth stanza:
O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand
Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation!
Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto - "In God is our trust,"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
The person who wrote the anthem, Francis Scott Key, was indeed a slave owner, but was a complicated individual. He spoke out against slavery, and actually gave free legal representation to some slaves seeking freedom. That said, he also represented some owners of runaway slaves. Like I said, complicated individual (as are many people who live in times with ethics we rightly find abhorrent).
Who called it Black National Anthem? Do they say "please rise for the black national anthem"?
edit: NAACP dubbed it that in 1917
Yeah MAGA don't word so good. They heard that somewhere and that's all they can think about now.
The song is awesome, and honestly I think it's amazing that something as public as the Super Bowl is using their platform to give it a voice, but the name is unfortunately divisive.
Wait. I thought the black national anthem was that From the Window to the Wall song.
Till the sweat drop down my balls
(My balls)
Jokes aside they're referring to the USA National Hymn.
Was this sung instead of the national anthem or was it sung in addition to the anthem? The article is garbage.
They sung it before the anthem. It might have been after Post Malone did America the Beautiful. So it's not even like Lift Every Voice was the only additional patriotic song they did.
It's literally just a way for the NFL to fill air time before the game starts and get people tuned in longer for commercials.
It's nice for Lift Every Voice to have been sung, but if anyone thinks the NFL gives a shit more than selling ad time and tickets, they're lost in the sauce.
It's not worth getting upset over one way or the other.
So a bunch of people sang songs before the anthem and one of them happened to be a song that black people like. Sounds about right.
I was doubtful right leaning media cared, but quite clearly it’s being heavily covered by such media.
I'm not even riled up by the fact that they are riled up. I just do not care either way about a song.
I’m all riled up because I never knew there was something referred to as a “black national anthem”. I don’t pay much attention to popular culture, but something like this could actually have meaning to some people, so I wish I knew about it
The Star-Spangled Banner is pro-slavery shit. No wonder MAGA loves it.
The really funny thing about this article and about the comments is that some asshole wrote “sends MAGA into meltdown” trying to equate just a few people’s opinion as that of an entire “movement’s” (if you could even call it a movement, I think the term MAGA shouldn’t even refer to any group of people - it’s simply an expression that people can have without referring to anything else at all. But whatever) opinion. That not just wrong, it’s incredibly lazy opinion writing under the guise of journalism. To read that and not just ignore it does not applaude one’s judgement when it comes to information that needs to be shared. This is made worse by taking it seriously and then reflecting its lazy judgement towards a large portion of the population and further claiming that they are racists. Believing in a false claim of a meltdown, then arguing its validity AND throwing in racism is so absurd in its duplicity, that’s it comes across like a claim that a 6th grader might make. And that is a serious take. Anyone with any reasonable adult intelligence should be able to critically judge what is written as news these days, but that, unfortunately does not seem to be the case.
You seem like you're having a meltdown.
I would be upset if I gave a fuck about a sport that's just a bunch of violent, wife beating fleons lecturing me on what a piece of shit they think I am.
This post has nothing to do with the police.
You think I give a fuck about the police? Lmao.
Why would you be upset?
What about the blue anthem for smurfs, can't leave them out
I'm pretty sure the Smurf anthem is: la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
Yes, Republicans are probably offended by Smurfs, too
They’re blue; that means they’re Dems and must be smote.
Okay then, join with me:
Agitatis Ultramarini
Nobilitis Ultramarini