Is there any guides on rooting android, specifically tablets
Hello, I was wondering about how to root my tablet, it is a 10.1" onn surf walmart tablet, I wanted to root it, but all the guides I could find are either outdated, or the wrong model (or both!) and I'm kinda at my wits end.I have OEM unlocking and usb debugging, so i can root it i believe.
I wonder if there is any software or app that can dump the ROM file? because I can't seem to find any archive of the model, and like i said, the ones people talk about are the wrong type and i don't wanna risk breaking anything.
If the tablet uses a Mediatek SoC which is very likley you can use this to make a full backup of the ROM.
Also if its a mediatek device I'd recommend you try MTK Easy Su. Its extremly easy to use and gives you temporary root access until you reboot your device.
Should be possible. Next step after unlocking would be installing a custom bootloader that supports installing a superuser app like supersu.
And here starts the trouble, you need to run any alternative software that allows modifying your currently running system. But this is highly specific and built for that exact model of tablet.
So if you can find a bootloader to flash and get it to boot, you should be fine.
I'm very sorry, i'm not very smart, why do i need a superuser app? what does it do in the process?
also thank you for responding so quickly, i always appreciate help.
Supersu is like sudo for Linux or run as administrator for windows if you know it. If you try operations your phone wouldn't allow due to lack off privileges it will promt you if you want it to enforce that via root.
What Android version do you have? Nowadays Magisk is used to root devices. There's a guide on how to install it on the GitHub I linked. Before you can install that you need a custom recovery like TWRP tho. Keep in mind installing a custom recovery requires you to completely wipe the device and install a new rom, so you'll probably have to use a custom rom like LineageOS and you'll need to backup important files. Also, the files you need to install for TWRP and LineageOS are specific to devices, so you'll need to look on their respective websites (I linked both) if your tablet is supported.
Hey, it's just lack of experience, not lack of "smarts."
Everyone started off knowing nothing. Asking questions and reading a lot will get you there. Takes notes. Pay attention to conflicting information, because it's all just people trying out things and sometimes forgetting details.
This was a fairly supportive thread.
When you try something, just understand the risk of what you could lose if something goes wrong.