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  • Squid 44, I bought it before the name change and easy anti cheat. I now can't play on Linux 😕 not a recent purchase but recently went to try it out

  • D4, Starfield, Cities Skylines 2, and Mortal Combat 1. D4 and Starfield are self explanatory. CS2 is my biggest disappointment in years. Paradox killed whatever good will it had left by forcing the demise of CO. Under no circumstances should CS2 released this year. There's no mods. It doesn't function in any meaningful way. It's a performance nightmare. CS1 danced on the grave of SimCity and committed all the same sins a decade later. Don't listen to anybody that says the game has potential. They're sitting on 2000+ assets they can't release because they can't import buildings into their own city building game post release. That's how bad it is. Cities Skylines 2 was dead on arrival and it took the community 4 months to realize it.

    MC1 isn't worthy of the K. It's just a slog. I don't know how much they fixed it but that doesn't break the fact that cameos are a major turnoff. Or that it has the worse progression system of recent MK games. Or that it's sitting on potentially one of the biggest rosters MK ever had but culled itself in half by reserving half the characters for cameos. Tekken 8 and SF6 have lapped MK hard this generation. Hell even Strive and DBFZ have taken steps to stay more relevant than MK1.

    And you know what the kicker is? I bought all these games at the same time. I've been playing the clip of Totalbicsuit singing we don't pre-order games a lot lately.

    • For CS2 I get the buyer's remorse, but it not having potential? Are you ok?

      Paradox almost always follows the pattern of launching a meh game that eventually gets good after DLC and free updates. CS1 was similar in that regard, and I have no doubt that CS2 will follow that same path. Yes, zoning tiles are wack. Yes, there is content missing from CS1. Yes, the simulation needs work. Yes, there were bugs at launch and there are still bugs even if there are fewer. Why does that mean that the game will be completely dead in a year? After playing both games over the past few months, I genuinely had more fun with CS2 and its missing content than CS1 with all of its content. The only things I really miss from CS1 are the music packs, the scenarios, the more devastating natural disasters, and the overall financial difficulty.

      • Have you been paying attention to the drama surrounding the game and behind the scenes at CO? I'm not gonna recap it in full but it paints a dire picture for the game's future. CO admits the game is in a broken state then flip flops on how they're gonna fix it. They've entered crisis PR mode and have gone through the rigamarole of blaming the fan base for being toxic, saying the simulation is working as intended, moving goal posts in their roadmap, to abandoning it all together, to nearly ceasing all communication with the community, to openly admitting that Paradox called them to keep up the weekly dev talks against their will. This is a panicked dev studio.

        In the actual game, we've figured out that almost none of the simulation is working as intended. It's so bad we're at the point where one of the code modders came out and shamed/corrected CO with actual math errors he found in the code on the CS2 forums. We know they're sitting on 2000+ assets and can't put them in the game because their own asset importer is somehow broken. Modding is months away and the longer it takes the more this game will exit the zeitgeist. People are already leaving in droves. Just check the Steam charts.

        Does this game have the potential to turn around. Yes. Do I trust Collosal Order to keep this ship from sinking. No, not anymore. Whatever good will they had, they burned through it in a matter of weeks with these last few Word of the Weeks. We've been around the block with botched game launches a lot recently. Especially this year. This is one of the rare ones where the fundamentals of the game are so broken it might not be salvageable. The lack of meaningful communication and action from CO has eroded all trust. The communication we have gotten from them has shot themselves in the foot more than quell any animosity stirring in the community. After only a handful of patches they've already dumped the road map and tied bug fixes to DLC. WHICH NOBODY SHOULD BUY after the way they've handled this game. I don't care how much potential the base game has. It all comes down to modding support. And if all signals from CO are we're struggling with our own code to the point where features that were days to weeks away are pushed back to almost a year, this game isn't gonna survive. This isn't just some half in the bag stripped down sequel that Paradox developed to be a DLC cow. This is a fundamentally broken game. By CO's own word this game is a mess. They shit on the grave of SimCity with CS1 only to tempt the fate of Maxis with CS2.

  • Recent? None right now, but I also rarely buy games nowadays.

    If we’re able to go outside of recent times, I’m still pretty salty about buying fuckin RPG Maker 2 & 3 on the PS2 without having a way to connect my PS2 to the internet.

  • Hogwarts Legacy on Switch. I should have known better, but my local Walmart had it on sale for $29.99 a few weeks ago and I bought on impulse after reading a few posts about how it's gotten better after updates. I've had glitches galore. Mad pop-in, falling through geometry, crashes, and two save game corruptions, all in the most up-to-date version available. If this is better, I can't imagine how broken it was at launch. I feel like I got $5 of content out of this. If the glitches were at least amusing, I might be ok with it, but the save corruption is just unacceptable.

  • Ready or not Gameplay is pretty fun with the homies But for a $40USD game some maps are powerpoint slide shows on high in hardware 20-30fps on the house map.

    For refrence Pc specs I5-10400 6700xt 32gb of ddr4 Game makes if feel like im playing on a toaster oven

  • Recent? None so far.

    Somewhat old? Civilization III. I ordered it like 5 years ago and was trying to scratch the itch left by Call to Power II, but the multiplayer is flaky at best on LAN and the tech tree just isn't interesting to me. Later entries also have the "tech tree doesn't interest me" thing and also don't scratch the Call to Power itch (they don't have the wacky future tech like hover tanks and eco-warfare) but they also look a lot more visually interesting at least.

    I miss when stacking was a thing in Civ. Sure it was relatively unbalanced, but that's part of the fun in my experience.

    /end grandpa rant

    • By stacking do you mean combining units to form a single stronger unit? If so, Civ 6 has that, albeit only up to three units.

      • By stacking, I mean adding the units together on a single tile into armies so the units all fight together. Civ VI does have this, but in a very limited capacity (as you mentioned, up to 3 units). Older games had many more stacking possibilities (Civ III actually had infinite unit stacking, which was cataclysmically crazy lol, but I think Call to Power II really struck a good number with a max of 12 units in a tile)