One of my research interests has been a group in antiquity with similar attitudes about the mind body divide, including talking about gender with things like "when you make the male and female into a single one so the male isn't male and the female isn't female."
One of my favorite lines about the body is:
If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels.
Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty.
I've tried a few times in the past to get into it but I just get overwhelmed. I'm frankly amazed by and so thankful for all the programmers who contribute to all of the great libre software I use. I am stuck at the level of knowing more about computers than essentially everyone I know or encounter, while simultaneously being a complete and utter noob to anyone who actually understands computing. I just know how to use search engines and follow instructions written by people smarter than me.
Depends on the culture of the space. For cis white males, no problem. Anyone outside that description, though, you might have to hunt to find one that's welcoming.
The makerspace I helped get off the ground is far from perfect, but we try. It was started in the first place because the existing makerspace in town was very much not welcoming to people outside of cis white males. Around 25% of our membership identifies as not male (which is really high for a makerspace, but we can do better). A super majority of the current board is also non-male identifying.
Hey! I'm a trans FOSS enthusiast studying computer science and I hope to be a FOSS dev sometime in the future.
I stay inside pretty much all day. In terms of hanging out irl, the closest I do is vc lol. It actually would be nice to hang out with someone irl though.
Ironically many are enlisted in the military so they can use the subsidized health care and mental health support that's provided free for being a veteran.
Thank the fucking lord I don't live in such a dystopian country (although our Conservative Party wants to drag us down to that level and are projected to win the next elections...)
I don't think voluntarily joining an org that makes you need mental assistance and mental health support is a great plan. Plus there's the whole "contributing to the crimes of American foreign policy" thing. idk couldn't be me
How and why is this so relatable? Literally since I started on lemmy there have been a bunch of FOSS projects lead or solely developed by trans coders ( pun semi intended).
More recently one of the lemmy apps I started on was as well and it looks pretty decently written. Hope they’re doing well wherever they are now.
I have not seen a single piece of reliable evidence to show that this is true. There may be a louder minority in that specific area, but so far nothing indicates it is an actual overrepresentation.
There seems to be an oddly large overlap (tbh I'm not sure if just in memes or in real life) between linux users (particularly arch and nixos), foss devs, and lgbt+ people (also rust, nim, and go devs lol).
The various "neurodiverse" communities seem to be meshing together more and more. A good chunk of them are autistic, or ADHD dominated interest groups, like FOSS, or various hobbies. It also includes the LGBT+ crowd.
This mixing allows for a lot of cross pollination of ideas. The trans community hears a lot more about FOSS etc than "normals" and so are more likely to get involved. Conversely, the techies have more exposure to alternative lifestyles. Some, who would traditionally do all they could to fit in, now are willing to show off/become who they really are.
The community meshing also helps by its supportive nature. Most NDs have experienced being the outsider to society. The nature of the cause is often very different, but the effects are similar. This makes the community particularly accepting of differences, as well as people experimenting with change.
Basically, all the weirdos got together and realised "Apes together, Strong!". We are now running with it more and more.
I don't plan on actually doing this, but would this be appropriate to send to a trans coworker who I work with, but don't actually have a relationship with outside of work? We don't have any history of sharing memes or anything.
For context, she's one of the senior devops engineers at my company
Personally, I wouldn’t want to receive a meme that assumes some level of familiarity with me from a co-worker if we never had that relationship before.
Posted a response to another person, but I think it's identifying her as trans that's my biggest hesitation; I almost guarantee she would appreciate the meme. I probably should have been more explicit in my question, but I don't how personal it is for people to be identified as trans even in a neutral/positive context.
Personally I feel like if you have to ask, I'd lean towards caution and not sending it. I mean, best case she gets a chuckle out of it, worse case it kinda creeps her out.
If you're unambiguously an ally and she has seen proof of/knows this, most trans people I know would be fine with it. I'm not sure the risk/reward is worth it though (and tbh I'd say the same for sending memes to any coworkers one's not on more familiar terms with)
Personally I feel like if you have to ask, I’d lean towards caution and not sending it.
That's exactly why I don't plan to =].
most trans people I know would be fine with it
I should have been more explicit with my question, as that's kind of what I was getting at. If most trans people are comfortable being identified as trans even if it's in a neutral/positive context
I'd say no. This is a bit of a risque type of humour. There's so much here that could be misunderstood, and it requires some context which they might not know or appreciate.
I think generally memes about marginalised groups should be avoided entirely in work environments unless said groups are extremely normalised.
Funny! Majority of the women in my eng program are straight, I am also not strictly one way or the other. Something something greedy Bis. Edit actually Pan, not Bi.
I hope you don't take it the wrong way, but I never had the opportunity to ask. What's the difference? Attraction to non-binary in addition to male and female?