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Biden tries to lay to rest age concerns, but may have exacerbated them Biden tries to lay to rest age concerns, but may have exacerbated them | CNN Politics

A probe that spared President Joe Biden from criminal charges paradoxically dealt him a threatening political blow.

Biden tries to lay to rest age concerns, but may have exacerbated them | CNN Politics
  • Hey, it's another article about how Biden's old.

    I wondered if maybe it'd be unfair to accuse you again of posting a steady stream of anti-Biden stuff, so I looked back, and the last anti-Biden article before this one was 1 hour ago. You also posted three other articles yesterday about Biden's verbal fuckups, among some other stuff about him.

    The first "Biden fucked up, maybe his brain is getting old" article was news of course. It's a significant story. Posting them over and over is something different.

    If you wanted to post a genuinely new take on the same events, you could use this, which is one possible pro-Biden counterpoint.

    • Nah, I hate Biden so just downvote and move along. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Him and the DNC are handing Trump another presidency and y'all will just keep saying everything is fine when it's obviously not.

      • Nah, I hate Biden

        We've talked before about your theory that opposing all right-of-center candidates, even when one is running against a democracy-ending fascist, is something you think is justified and productive. I actually don't agree with some of your criticisms of Biden, but much more to the point, I think actively propagandizing against him in this particular election is foolish and dangerous.

        If you were incessantly posting articles about productive ways to push the establishment Democrats to the left, and support for the rare handful of them that actually represent the people decently well, you and I would be very much on the same page, but just relentlessly shitting on Biden is something that I feel like giving a response to.

        so just downvote and move along. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

        I'm not obligated to stop talking because you want me to. On my side, I could tell you to not post these things and move along, but, here we are.

        A decent solution is that you could block me, so you won't be bothered by my comments, but I get to say my piece and everyone else can still see them as a counterpoint. Everyone's happy then, right?

        Him and the DNC are handing Trump another presidency

        You keep pivoting to this "oh isn't it a shame that Trump's doing well, I'm just a humble concerned citizen" stance, while actively doing what little you can in this little corner of the world to help Trump do better. Like I said, if you were actively promoting leftist ideals in government, it'd be a whole different conversation.

        The DNC's not great. Biden's accomplishments though, as compared with a standard Democrat, are actually pretty significant. Actually the very first places I would put the blame for Trump doing as well as he is would be (a) establishment Democrats as a whole, for turning their back on the working class ever since Jimmy Carter (b) the US news media, especially the turgidly pro-corporate part of it that you keep posting links to.

  • I give credit to OP for not giving up on his views. It's not easy being down voted so much. But I also want to point out that most of his links are from "credible" sources.

    Imagine if Fox said Trump was old. Or if Breitbart ran a story saying that Trump shouldn't qualify for president because of Jan 6.

    They are both old. They are both "bad." But only one is trying to be president. The other is trying to be a dictator. What's worst, is that Trump has brainwashed all his supporters to live in an alternate reality. Hey look, CNN said Biden is old. Yes we know, that's not news. I remember R's complaining about Bidens age last time around because he was/is older. Cool, time passed and now Trump is that same age/older. Not a word from those same R's. I wouldn't want my grandparents running the country but somehow I HAVE to choose between someone else's grandpa for president.