I started Skyrim last month, for the first time ever, but already have it up there with Minecraft. No pressure, just exploration. Add a bowl, and I'm set.
I like to wander around the environments in the Hitman reboot games. Not really trying to kill anyone or achieve anything, just enjoying the environment.
Just Cause 3, but I'm honestly a bit tired of it now. I love just wingsuiting around the place and I've never found anything else that gives me that same level of catharsis.
I do switch to JC4 occasionally just for a change of scenery, but the wingsuit feels too... floaty? In that one. Idk, just doesn't feel the same.
I am desperately open to suggestions for something similar in terms of brain off flow state gaming.
Teardown is good if you are playing for the destruction aspect. If you're a fan of nice open world movement than the spiderman games are good if you ignore the copganda. And honestly I really enjoy death stranding for a game to relax too. It gets action packed sometimes but not too often
Teardown is on my wishlist! Might pull the trigger this weekend and try it out. I did enjoy Spiderman, but death stranding was waaay too slow for me lol
I kinda liked the wingsuit in 4 tbh. I loved actually flying around with the jetpack. But it has nothing on the jetpack in 3, with the rocket launcher and all.
IMO Mini Metro quickly becomes super stressful. I assume Motorways is the same.
Instead I would say Islanders is quite relaxing. Super minimal city building.
What I'd really like though is something for Steam Deck with a good flow state. Any suggestions? Lonely Mountains Downhill looks pretty good maybe. Someone else mentioned Superflight which is great but maybe too minimal.
It's the only MMO I still play regularly after three years. That said, I hesitate to outright recommend it. It's fairly niche, and kinda still recovering from a disastrous DLC launch a couple years ago. It's in a pretty good place now but confidence in the playerbase is still a little shaken. Mechanics-wise there's a lot built up over the years that just aren't explained at all in-game, so the learning curve is more of a sheer cliff face. OTOH, the community is honestly one of the most supportive I've ever experienced; even the griefers will chat with you after blowing you up and explain how to avoid it next time. And having the entire physically modelled milky way to explore is honestly an amazing experience. I'd suggest checking out a few streams to suss out if it's for you, streamers are generally lovely and happy to chat with and help out new and prospective players.
There are few things more zen than sitting in your ship, thrusters off, in an undiscovered system on the other side of the galaxy. It's humbling, isolating, and beautifully zen.
In the same cathartic relief idea i also remember finishing both god of wars on ps2 as a kid. Worked great as anger management too. I feel like doom as a very similar energy in that regards.
Any game I've played so much I can do it mindlessly is one I'll use to destress generally. Specifically something like Wazhack or another roguelike where if I die oh well, back into it! Maybe something with no fail state like Heaven's Vault instead.
Lately, it's been Factorio. It's nice to set all my worries aside and pick up an entirely new set of worries regarding factories and the growth thereof.
all my stress just melts away picking up my switch and sitting out on a bench somewhere riding on a horse in breath of the wild while hearing soft, soothing melodies play.
I swear I think I'm gonna have hundreds of hours into this game before I ever beat it
Descenders. Just has a real nice flow state quality to it. Chill soundtrack. You can play as fast or slow as you want to. No pressure to do tricks or get high scores. Just making it to the finish line eventually is enough.
Factorio's a great one for this, as is RimWorld, but specifically on the modes where there's no combat in the former and "base builder" difficulty on the latter. Lately, Palworld has been filling this slot for me. Just build stuff, occasionally tackle enemies, and listen to podcasts while you do it.
StarCraft 2. I have too much to think about in real life so I need something that forces me to devote 100% of my attention to it. I don't particularly care if I lose so I can just queue again and again and come out with my brain reset.
The only time starcraft calms me down is when im doing something brainless like coop or the campaign. At my level of play, it is honestly not very fun on the ladder because I dont really feel like I can still do fun stuff and still win. And being a competitive person doesnt lend itself to being ok losing a lot more because I wanted to do something stupid instead of what works.
I all use a lot of rational thinking daily, so i do like a game that take all of your focus but i'd rather have something brain dead. So in short, rocket league. (Also MHW can be like that sometimes)
I bought the DLC last week after finally finishing the story, mostly because it's stated as almost a direct sequel, with a story about as long as the first. It also deals with the consequences of some of your decisions during the main story.
I haven't played it yet, but I'm excited to jump in.
It varies wildly. Sometimes its Skyrim or Fallout 4, sometimes it's some strategy game like Cities Skylines (2) or Factorio, or for a while now I've been playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 after I found out how awesome the gaming wheel support is on Linux. Latest Doom games have also been great for just venting out.
Guilwars 2 - always something to and you find many hilarious moments both from NPCs and playGuilwars 2 - always something to and you find many hilarious moments both from NPCs and players. It’s a fantastic experience for casual and dedicated players alike.
Refunct. The perfect game for when your brain is fried after work imo. It's super minimal so not something you can sink tens of hours necessarily into but it's worth checking out for sure.
Idk. I'm broke in the brain. The games I play to unwind tend to have high performance demands. I became the top ranked player in project muse with what I thought was casual play. Turns out that obsession is second nature to me. What I like more than anything else is being able to have my fingers move as fast as I can think.
I don't think I actually de-stress though. Anyone have any ideas for me?
I de stress by engrossing and ignoring my problems so I tend towards whatever sucks me in. Started Osu! In 2012, other than that I like things like tarkov and am getting close to 4k hours in hunt: showdown. I get told it's not as casual as I say it is, but it's casual to me lol
I guess Stormworks, but it can also be frustrating at times when I got tough nuts to crack in my grand designs. Still haven't found an engineering game of the same caliber.