If you had one chance to eat or drink something poisonous without dying or experiencing any health repercussions, what would you try?
If you had one chance to eat or drink something poisonous without dying or experiencing any health repercussions, what would you try?
For me, maybe petrol.
Joke's on you. I've been slowly building up an immunity to iocaine powder for years.
41 0 ReplyClearly, you have a dizzying intellect.
14 0 ReplySo I obviously cannot choose the wine in front of me.
11 0 Reply
A glass of mercury, it looks like it tastes delicious.
34 0 ReplySooo elemental mercury. Not absorbed well in the GI tract. I had a patient who took time cracking open thermometers from boilers for a while and then attempted to drink it mixed with some coffee to commit suicide. We show up since he called 911 and now wanted to go to the hospital. Call poison control for recommendations for local hospitals since this isn't common and i don't know what hospitals can handle this thing. Poison control cites that it isn't well absorbed, if at all, in the GI tract. I was pretty surprised.
So really you could drink it and find out the taste with very small if any repercussions.
Ya know, just saying.
23 2 ReplyDidn't uh.. something like Lewis and Clarke..
Didn't they use mercury based laxatives, and that was used to track their path?
19 1 ReplyYeah elemental mercury ain't that bad. It's all those organic compounds of mercury that are the baddies.
And.... you know, shiny poops that hit the bottom of the bowl with a THUNK , that would be something different. You'd literally lose a few pounds every time you went to the toilet.
12 0 Reply
I’m curious how it feels to drink something that heavy
13 0 ReplyI imagine afterwards you'd just sit and reflect.
13 0 Reply
Seems like it would sit pretty heavy, though...
8 0 ReplyNah, it goes down real smooth.
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Cody's lab has entered the chat
6 0 Reply
Sitting down with a good movie and a bowl of tide pods.
26 0 ReplyYou might be happy to know, my mouth literally dropped open when I read your comment 😂
3 0 ReplyDropped open to eat another tide pod
1 0 Reply
I want to lick The Elephant's Foot.
15 0 ReplyThis is an interesting one!
6 0 Reply
I mean... alcohol? You can already buy it easily prepared in all sorts of delicious ways.
Am I not in the spirit of the thing?
17 2 ReplyThe effects is what makes it delicious, no effects means no upside to drinking the poison
5 3 ReplyYou haven't changed my mind, but now I'm mildly concerned about you and I'm here if you need help.
5 0 Reply
Does lava count as poisonous
14 0 ReplyBy the power granted to me by no one in particular:
I'll allow it.
21 0 ReplyHow about uranium? It's called radiation poisoning...
Also do I have to procure it first?
5 0 Reply
8 kilos of molten gold.
14 0 ReplyNobody said you wouldn't have to pay for it ; ).
4 0 Reply
I would see what the big deal with heroine is
13 0 ReplyHeroin*
Heroine is the feminine form of hero
10 1 ReplyHe said what he said!
7 0 Reply
If you don't experience any of the reprocussions, would it even do anything?
4 0 ReplyYou would probably get high but have the incredibly painful withdrawal symptoms.
Granted, the euphoria alone would probably incentivize you to try it again anyway, so I still wouldn't
4 0 Reply
Fugu. I’m far too much of a coward to try it normally.
12 0 ReplyOne of those poisonous dart frogs
12 1 ReplyRed paint. No. Blue paint. Which ever one smells better.
11 0 ReplyI heard some poisonous mushrooms are very tasty...
10 0 ReplyI mean you don't need invulnerability to find out, you just gotta choose wisely, since you only get one shot.
2 0 Reply
9 0 ReplySpecifically weapons-grade plutonium, enough to make a nuclear bomb. I get to keep it afterwards, right?
6 0 Reply
The fly agaric mushroom. I wanna see if it makes me taller.
9 0 ReplyYou can eat those if you prepare them correctly. Prepare for a cozy experience if you dose it right. shroomery
6 0 ReplyTotally. Seem them everywhere, and they're so cute. Would be great to just munch them, buttered on toast...
1 0 Reply
8 0 ReplyFour Loko, the official drink of poor decisions.
4 0 ReplyI was paid to drink that stuff for a few years...I'd never do it for free, let alone pay for it.
2 0 Reply
Lead. It used to be used for flavor.
8 0 ReplySodium! Looks so soft and fun, melts in your mouth!
7 0 Reply3 0 Reply
I bet hemlock is delicious.
8 1 ReplyMy worst enemy. I get a full stomach and less of a nuisance to worry about.
6 0 ReplyNew bars of soap always looked tasty to me.
4 0 ReplyA bar of soap probably.
3 0 ReplyWhatever the most poisonous mushroom is
2 0 ReplyProbably amanita phalloides or amanita virosa
2 0 Reply
Whatever psychedelic supposedly broadens your mind or whatever
4 2 ReplyA cold glass of milk.
Where my lactards at?!?!
4 2 Replya shitload of absinthe
3 1 ReplyAnthrax
2 0 ReplyI’ve always hoped a shot of petrol “could” be delicious. Spicy, dry and with deep earthy undertones…
1 0 ReplySugar
2 1 Reply