I can't help but feel like, even though he is hardly a popular person, his character was assassinated far beyond the scope of what was originally necessary.
No matter how you feel about the guy personally, it's fucking chilling that you know he will likely die in prison without ever even being fully convicted of anything.
The entire Assange case should be seen for what it is: a warning, an example. Those in power are not happy with leaks or leak aggregators, and they WILL destroy your life if you choose to pursue them.
Damn almost like people don't like hypocrisy. You don't actively use your platform to spread leaks about one side of an issue and hide the leaks about the other side of the same issue, and then claim to be a bastion of truth and transparency.
Does he deserve a death sentence? No and I doubt he will get one.
That is not why he's being held in jail though. It was for publishing info about USA's atrocities abroad, nothing to do with the political activism before 2016 us pres elections
Average Americans are just way too mad about the email leaks so they can shift the blame from their stupid ass voting