Men still average four fewer hours of housework compared to women, despite study suggesting they create more work
Researchers at the University of Michigan analysed data from time diaries, concluding that that the average married woman does seven more hours of housework per week than the average single woman.
The average married man only does one more hour of housework per week compared to his single counterparts.
Researchers also found that having children increased the amount of housework done by women, but seemed to reduce the amount done by men.
Married women with more than three children did an average of 28 hours per week, more than 10 hours more than the average woman.
In contrast, married men with more than three children did around 10 hours of housework per week, compared to 13 hours completed by the average man.
To bad the news article does not cite the original study. Coming from the Independent it does not have a lot of credence. But it is a news piece written by Reuters. Even there it does not have the sources of the data. In Scholar the only work that uses the expression "[husbands] 'create extra seven hours of housework a week"' is an opinion piece about a book. A book by Caroline Criado Perez where I suppose the reference and context of the original study (from University of Michigan) exists. Suppose. Maybe.
I see a lot of potential for misquotation of the original study.