"If you actually look at so many of the court cases against Donald Trump, George, this is not about prosecuting Trump for something that he did. It's about throwing him off the ballot because Democrats feel that they can't beat him at the ballot box."
Note how he isn't asserting Trump's innocence, nor does his guilt or innocence even matter. Trump can be an insurrectionist who compromised our national security. That's fine, and so is a long history of fraud. Not even being a rapist matters. The only thing that matters to this shit stain is that Trump is his party's presidential candidate. And he's arguing that it should be all that matters to the courts as well.
Alternate headline: Senator argues politicians should be above the law, can rape with impunity.
He was found to be liable in civil court for a sexual assault that would be considered rape under the definition used by the federal government. It is now a legally established fact that he is a rapist, but he was not actually convicted of a crime.
"I think it's actually very unfair to the victims of sexual assault to say that somehow their lives are being worse by electing Donald Trump for president"
"Can we ask victims of sexual assault what they think?"
"No no no! No need. I'll tell you all about it. Here's the thing..."
At least we all know who they are and what they stand for, now. When Trump inevitably dies, they'll leak their crocodile tears on public media how they were coerced and brainwashed, and how it's time to move on, hoping we won't remember moments like these.
I do not intend to forget.
(Sidenote: "they" implies these leaders who know better, not the poor zealots who are regular, ignorant folk. The latter are brainwashed, and I pity them.)
To me it's not absurd that he can attract dozens, hundreds of sycophants and fellow grifters (MAGA! Send money!). It's incredible that millions of formerly reasonable people can be fooled by such an obvious cunt and conman. The cult is real. Idiocracy is here.
Side note: E Jean Carroll has had an impressive career that is overlooked because of this one incident she did not want. She was a gonzo journalist, wrote for playboy, wrote for SNL, and wrote a biography about Hunter S Thompson. It is a shame Donald Trump is what she will be remembered for. Here's an article with some of her career: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/28/e-jean-carroll-journalist-writer-new-york/11752140002/
Thanks for sharing this!! Wow, E. Jean Carroll is pretty amazing!! Once trump is off the ballot, I hope he is shunned, literally, to the end of his days. I'd rather not hear nor read his name again.
I'm sure JD Vance feels the same way when an innocent black man is sentenced to 40 years in prison based on spurious and unverifiable evidence too, right?
If you actually look at so many of the court cases against Donald Trump, George, this is not about prosecuting Trump for something that he did. It's about throwing him off the ballot
Which the case he's referring to did not attempt to do in any way. What a schmuck.
You can't judge a person by one of the rapes they committed, just think of how many he's raped who aren't coming forward to seek some fraction of the justice they are owed. Can we please get back to focusing on the important things like what the melting lawyer said was on that laptop from the blind technician who recognized the president's son by voice?
Now, I'd love to stay and chat with you some more but these hamberders are getting cold (he prefers them lukewarm) and a pillow salesman has some important intel to share on Venezuelan ghosts that hack voting machines.