Mario lacks any tools, huh? Just got to raw dog it.
70 0 Replylemmy_get_my_coat It's the only way he can feel something anymore
41 0 Replylntl this made me laugh, thank you
6 0 Reply
It was just a pipe dream..
40 0 ReplyLazaroFilm
If this is Toad’s toilet, he just put his hand in Toad’s stool… nice.
31 0 ReplyKatana314 This was sort of the premise of the beginning of the SMB movie, right?
7 0 Replylntl back to work prol!
5 1 Replysheogorath Why do I read Luigi's dialogue with an Irish accent in this comic?
3 0 ReplyLittleHermiT Yoo-Ah-Gonna-Getta-Soood-bya-neentendo. Whatsamatta-yoo?
2 0 Replysoloner Mario has a dream, wakes up, and puts his hand in shit... Ok.
What's supposed to be funny about this?
3 14 Replyswayevenly You. You getting angry about this is funny.
21 0 Replysoloner What I'm not angry at all lol
2 11 Reply
The joke is that all the adventures Mario has in the games are just escapist dreams, because he's actually just a normal plumber who is sad and unfulfilled by his life.
10 0 Replyjoelfromaus
It’s-a relatable!
2 0 Reply