Not sure how it works in Paris/London, but the other day I parked behind a gigantic US style pick-up. That monstruosity was longer than the parking spot, but also wider with like 10-15 cm on the street. This is messing with cyclist, car on the road, but also people who want to park behind you and don't have the usual reference.
Seriously, if you don't fit on a parking spot, you should be towed away. If you want to drive a truck, go in a truck parking which are usually in industrial area away from the city.
I've seen pickups in France parked with their backs on the grass because they don't fit. Some park diagonally over two spots to fit, and that's an improvement over just taking four spots.
Although it would be fun to see their reaction if there would be designated spots for "big-boned vehicles" on the far end of the lot.
we need car parks with height barriers that exclude the suv's. people in range rover sports SUVs worth 80k aren't worried by an extra tenner on the parking fee. now imagine their 'car' won't fit......
London has some of the best, if not the best intra-city public transport on Earth. Few people need to drive there at all.
And they definitely don't need to drive SUVs or pickups.
I'm not one of those privileged idiots who cry about people having cars. I have cars and intend to for the rest of my days. I like cars, like working on cars, and I like the engineering that goes into them. I like being able to actually leave my village. I understand that cars are necessary for a huge amount of people.
But again, this is London we're talking about... you're fine without a car. Doubly so some gargantuan US-market monstrosity that should never have been allowed on public roads in the first place.
I live on Tyneside and one of the things that I'm constantly reminded of when I go literally anywhere else is just how good our public transport links are.
That said... the first time I went to London? Blown away. It's on a whole other level in that city.