come on in everybody. let's all removed and moan about the shitty conservative republicans while never discussing what to do about it. it's like group therapy for limp-wristed liberals.
lol wtf are you supposed to do about it, try to smuggle a bomb into the RNC? attempt to assassinate conservative politicians? or do you think you can just "democracy" your way to getting rid of this cancer? the first two sound like something that'd backfire in plenty of ways, and the last one is a laughable suggestion at this point.
you are so right, we should all be a little more rational, and say... decapitate a family member on youtube.
edit: because someone in this thread is unironically using words like "sheeple" and "limp-wristed" I should clarify that my comment is obvious sarcasm.
that dude was an unhinged idiot and accomplished nothing for his cause. he's a portrait of a fragile mind that lashes out irrationally. if you want change, you get smart, tactical, and clandestine.