I do a lot of baking, but even then it only happens once a year, if that. I still don't want to have to throw out an entire batch of food because I cracked a bad egg into it instead of into a tea cup first.
Smack em on the counter on the top and bottom, then roll em on the counter, pressing firmly with the palm to make a ton of little cracks. They'll peel easily under water now no issue.
If you wanna be flashy, break a small hole in one end, put your mouth on it and blow hard, POP! NUDE EGG
I get a bowl and crack it on the outside of the bowl (not the rim) then put it into the bowl to check for shells before it goes into wherever it needs to be.
Smash it on my forehead. The egg goop runs down my face into my mouth. I eat the egg raw, shell and all. Then I do a primal yell and bust out another set of 20 reps. #legday
I typically use the edge of a knife to crack the eggs, not a very sharp one but sharper than a butter knife. It makes the shell open much more easily and without shards than it would when taping on a bowl or the counter.