A website to found out who in the Fediverse blocks who for what reason.
A website to found out who in the Fediverse blocks who for what reason.
If you enter a domain, you will find which instances block this domain.
If you enter a reason, you will find all instances that blocked for this reason and who they blocked.
If you reverse search, you will find all instances the domain you entered blocks.
cyberian_khatru @kbin.social
It's oddly funny that this website's domain appears as the 19th most blocked fedi site on its own list.
2 0 ReplyCandelestine @lemmy.world Yea, this is legit actually.
1 0 Replyyourgodlucifer @kbin.social It appers that this website shows any domain that has been blocked but doesnt remove them when they get unblocked
I still see mstdn.social blocking mastodon.art
1 0 Reply