r/Warframe will reopen on June 21st. - Subreddit discussion megathread
The r/Warframe subreddit will be reopening in a restricted form on June 21st, when the 7 Crimes of Kullervo update releases.
While dormi.zone was initially created as an alternative platform for r/Warframe on Reddit during its blackout, since then we have gained subscribers from all across the fediverse who have been yearning for a place to discuss Digital Extremes' flagship game. Thank you for joining and helping this community grow!
We recognize that there needs to be a space to discuss the fate of r/Warframe, but we're also noticing a rising amount of duplicate posts about this topic, aggravating users who are here to discuss Warframe the videogame and may have even found their way here through means other than our blackout.
To keep these posts from overwhelming the frontpage of this community without denying them the visibility they should have, we will be funneling all discussion about the r/Warframe subreddit in this pinned megathread.
Once r/Warframe reopens, meta discussion about r/Warframe will return to Reddit.
People simply don't care about getting fucked by corporations because they've been conditioned to for decades. Someone told me that having all your data exploited is the price of admission for the internet...like come on, it is when you let it
I just made a lemmy account, i doubt i'll return to reddit, this protest and management response has shown the worst side of reddit i've never seen and am disgusted. good to see warframe is active here.
The numbers don't lie. You have thousands of users here vs hundreds of thousands on the reddit. Most don't care about this site or even know it exists. Good to see the subreddit open again.
There are a few people saying that there's "important information on r/warframe" but they've never responded with what they were looking for when prompted.
If someone wants information they can't find elsewhere, feel free to make a post asking and someone procrastinating will probably come by to help instead of doing what they were originally supposed to be doing; can't answer questions that haven't been asked, and it helps to fill in the "missing repository", although the wiki also a great source of information that people have already submitted. (even if its a fandom site)
Please do a community vote on the subreddit on whether people want it to stay closed. To be honest this sort of large decision should have been left up to the community rather than forced on to the community
I don't understand why people act as if it is the community that owns the subreddit. The moderators do, and it should be that way. They made the subreddit, they manage the subreddit, and they set the rules. It is only fair that they get a disproportionate say when they put in a disproportionate amount of work for the subreddit.
An unfortunate decision, but ultimately a rather understandable one. I have some mild complaints about Lemmy, primarily those related to how....incredibly alpha it feels on all the iOS browsers I've tried. Even despite that, given the whole reason for the blackout to begin with, I would've been more than happy to stay on here long term. "Well why don't you do just that, even if the sub reopens?" probably because the already incredibly small community (even including non-posting lurkers) here will all just pack up and leave back to reddit making this a total ghost town. Unfortunate, but thems the facts. Though perhaps I'm just trying to rationalize being a hypocrite. Dormi.Zone's a super cute name, too.
Wonder who'll be the first to post primed Wisp Ass and get all those sick reddit updoots.
I've said this elsewhere but I like the smaller and overall more positive community here, I don't even miss r/warframe and have no plans to go back unless this one dies completely. We dont need millions of active users to have a nice space here, and it's only a matter of time before reddit shits the bed again and people wish they had an alternative.
edit: about the browsing experience: I'm on kbin so the layout on dormi.zone is different for me. I have to say it feels very sleek and professional and with some user enhancement scripts I also have collapsing comment threads, domains next to all usernames and similar improvements.
It sucks that the corporation won once again, but I am happy that WF is one of the reddits I frequent that actually did it properly. You didn't fail us, mods, we failed you.
I personally tried to stay off reddit completely, at least on the first two days and did limit my use of it in the next days after, but as the drug uses are coming back in droves, staying off it will not change much. Let's hope when RIP and Apollo close we get another wave of this.
I don't know about others, but I'm definitely not coming back - didn't visit reddit after the blackout at all and somehow I'm still alive - turns out I can live without it!
I'm honestly a bit disappointed in the decision to reopen, not really surprised, mind you, but disappointed. Still, if moderators want to keep volunteering and providing free labor for a site that treats them like dirt and users prefer to watch tons of ads there that's their prerogative and I genuinely and unironically hope it makes them happy. I'm much happier here, and that's why here is where I'll stay.
New mods should be voted into this place, what right do they have to block the users of a subreddit over a false idea that change will ruin the site. This protest's main goal was been to hurt their own users enough that the big company will take pity on them.
They do not have documentation ready for the new API, even though it should be going live at the end of the month.
Helpful bots like remindme/savevideo/wiki bots/wanderingdwarfminer are dead with the API changes. Can't pay for access to the API to keep them alive and there is no available documentation available to update them either.
Then there is also the issue that unless a moderator is on the first party app/official site, they can not see/moderate any content on a NSFW post. Want to post anything that breaks the subs rules, make it an NSFW post.
There was also some mention that it may be possible in the future for trolls to brigade a sub and take it over. Obvious targets for this would be any subs that are educational (r/learnjapanese already had someone requesting to take over), AskHistorians: push whatever alternate history you believe in, or for the "controversial" subs, I expect politics/lgbt type subs to be harrassed if a policy like this goes forward. Why is this even an option support plans to offer, and pass it off as "being in the community's best interest". If someone doesn't like the moderation team, they should be told to make their own sub, not be given the community the mods worked to create. The sub would have died long ago if mods were doing terrible job.
Just because something doesn't effect you directly doesn't mean it doesn't have negative consequences for the rest of the community or even an unforseen impact to yourself. Without the blackout, a lot of these issues would have gone unnoticed by the general community, these were all points I found skimming through the AMA.
*Feel free to correct me on any of my points, or even add to them. A lot of this information was learned through skimming, and I've linked to some quick sources that I used as references, or even better, go ask the affected communities directly how the API changes effect them.
Feel free to correct me on any of my points, or even add to them.
Okay some notes to add:
The accessibility focused third party apps (Dystopia for iOS, Redreader for Android, there might be more) were granted exemptions to the API pricing, so they can continue to operate after the changes. Dystopia will also soon be available on the iOS App Store (as opposed to having to use Testflight) so as a silver lining it'll be easier to access for users who need it, while Redreader is considering implementing Lemmy support.
Bots are in a weird place because most likely don't exceed the API usage rates for the free tier - RemindMe Bot for example has explicitly stated it isn't going to die with the changes, and that its usage is well under the free tier. I imagine smaller community-specific ones (like the wf subreddit ones) will similarly be far below the free tier limits.
For desktop, the mod tools extension (Toolbox) will remain in their current state, and RES expects to as well. Both projects have dwindling interest in continued development aside from basic maintenance though, certainly not helped by reddit's increased hostility to developers. Newer reddit features also aren't exposed to the api so Toolbox can't integrate them them either.
tl;dr: Some small progress in accessibility concerns, not really enough. Reddit doesn't deserve a medal for doing the bare minimum in not completely rejecting every blind user from using their service, though noting what they're doing on that front (good and bad) still matters.
Attempting to stop supporting a massive company you don't like while actively and provably damaging a smaller company and community that you DO like was and is a terrible idea, frankly. I would have been so disappointed if the sub stayed closed while 7 Crimes launched, thinking about the analytics guy at DE looking at the tangible dip of week 1 player activity post-patch (compared to other updates) because the people who usually see the updates coming from looking at the reddit just didn't know it even came out. Honestly, even keeping it closed for the next few days will hurt the anticipation buildup and negatively effect activity, but whatever. Better now than never.
I deleted my twitter account for less. Is it an issue that I stopped supporting a "massive company" because I didn't like how it was being run? (not that twitter was run particularly well before it was bought). It's not the first time a platform has killed itself. (looking at tumbler)
Your twitter account wasn't (probably) an active and living part of a game development studio's online presence. Individuals can do whatever they want with their accounts, obviously, but the subreddit isn't that, it's a forum. All the people that choose not to engage with reddit anymore can just do that, but the people who want to interact with warframe ON reddit in SPITE of reddit (I hate twitch but I still watch these streamers, I hate youtube but I still watch yada-yada, etc;) can't anymore with the sub closed. Do what you want, but let everyone else do that, too.