In December 2022, Tuberville pledged to block all senior military and civilian Department of Defense nominations over a new Pentagon policy that covers the travel costs of service members seeking abortions in states outside of where they are stationed if they are based in a state that bans the procedure.
Hurting the military because they don't hurt women enough. Typical Southern Republican.
Woman stationed in Texas here. Tuberville freaks me tf out. Fortunately I'm nearly at the end of a good reproductive age, but I'm extremely worried for any younger women who join the military if the DoD ever capitulates to his fascist ass.
The Corps will have an "Acting" Commandant. Legally, there are certain things an "Acting" cannot do, but... if a Marine is given an order by the Acting, he will follow it. Period.
The Senate is there to Advise and Consent. If all orders put out by the Acting are followed, the Senate's purpose becomes moot. Tuberville will have handed over full control of not just the military, but all departments that relied upon Advise and Consent to Biden. Biden will no longer need to seek their consent.
The military will have moved one step closer to no longer being under civilian control, and you can thank Tuberville for that.
They had to choose between a US attorney who prosecuted the KKK for church bombings, but happened to be a Democrat, or a football coach with the IQ of a tuber who happened to be a republican. And, well... Alabama.