StreetLamp Bro's got them AR-brows
46 0 Replykautau I didn’t think we should tattoo people with symbols who are mentally disabled, but then again I’m fine with them doing it to themselves
4 0 ReplyLEDZeppelin aR sTAndS fOr MuH RiGhTS!!!!!
4 5 Reply
GiddyGap Another "Only in America" moment.
42 1 ReplyHAL_9_TRILLION Guns should be more tightly regulated in this ridiculous country, but I like guns. However, I don't make anything my entire personality, including guns. It's a sign of a weak mind.
Tattooing ARs on your eyebrows is a pretty good sign that guns are your whole personality.
27 4 Replyn0clue
Those are M16s, ARs don't have carry handles, not that it really matters.
3 0 Replyemptiestplace I admire not making anything their entire personality people.
2 0 Reply
I hate it when my eyebrows declare war against each other
18 0 ReplyThrashy
"ArE yOu TrIgGeReD, LiB?"
"No, just feeling pity for you in spite of myself."
18 1 ReplyTreczoks So everyone can see in his face that he is a potentially armed and dangerous nut job. It is actually a service to society.
16 0 ReplyMr_Blott A coward
3 0 Reply
wellee This is like a crappy edgy tattoo a bad rapper gets lmao. Who let grandpa out without supervision!
15 0 Replysigh
he should get 'DAMAGED' tatted on his forehead
2 0 Reply_dev_null
No ragrets.
3 0 Reply
Decoy321 I applaud this dude. He's got balls. He's telling us up front that we won't have to respect any opinion he'll ever share.
12 0 ReplyMr_Blott It would've been easier to just tattoo "I'm a coward" on his loaf
4 0 Reply
You just don't see people like this outside the US. Makes ya think.
14 2 Replypete_the_cat There are definitely ridiculous people all throughout the world, the US doesn't have a monopoly on them. We just have more people than like 95% of other countries (IIRC only China and India have more people) and those people happen to have wide access to tech, and money to do dumb shit like this.
13 2 Replyphotonic_sorcerer
I just mean folks aren't as gun-crazy in Europe or elsewhere as Americans. It's odd.
7 1 Replyumbrella
oh there are crazies everywhere but this breed is native to the us
2 0 Reply
Rinox I don't know, have you seen the tattoos on Salvadorian gang members? Now imagine some of them surviving till they are 80.
4 0 Reply
looks like the same person whom a decade ago would tell young people they would regret their tattoos when they are older.
11 0 ReplyDaft_ish It's like if your grandpa joined a prison gang.
8 0 ReplyAgent641 My grandpa was in a prison gang. His tatts were all non-consentual tho
4 0 Reply
SatansMaggotyCumFart I wonder what this guy does for work.
8 0 ReplyAgent641 Boomer
Choose one
7 0 Replysigh
bold of you to assume he goes to work
6 0 ReplySatansMaggotyCumFart I could imagine he’s the greeter at ARmart or sits around and rents places to young people who he considers lazy.
3 0 Reply
gennygameshark Forgot the bullseye in the middle 🎯
7 0 ReplyCountVon
Reminds me of this classic.
26 0 Reply
Gilles_D Guns don’t kill eyebrows. Tattoo needles do.
7 0 Replycsm10495
Uncle Leo changed a bit.
5 0 Replyji17br This has gotta be peak ATBGE right??
5 0 ReplyAgent641 I feel like this might have happened while doing chemo for cancer. Old mate probably thought he was gonna die, so was like "Fuck it, we ball!"
8 0 Reply
This is MGK's grandpa, MGG
3 0 Reply5714 Gunter?
2 0 ReplyHowManyNimons Those aren't eyebrows: they're cuts.
2 0 Replydog Spot the Weird Al Yankovic.
2 0 ReplyDigital_man Brows of meth.
2 0 Replydangblingus YAASSS removed SLAY
2 0 ReplyTheFriar How could we not? Maybe we need a red circle to help direct our attention further
2 0 ReplySticker Well, disguising the lack of eyebrows with a tattoo is not a bad solution. However, it is unclear why the choice was made in favour of an image of an automatic carbine.
2 1 Replytygerprints Ooookay then grampa. Go back to sittin on your porch and yelling at anyone who has hair that they're a damn hippy.
1 1 Reply