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Help regarding Archon hunts

Hello Tenno!

I just got Mr 17 and unlocked Archon Hunts, but it is so hard for me that I got unmotivated and honestly have no idea what I should do next. As soon as I found a favorite gun (that would be Fulmin), I spent some plat to make a good build for it and after 7 forma I honestly was really happy with the result, it was helping me through a lot of content (except Profit Taker) and I was really enjoying it... Until I reached Archon hunts. The mobs in Archon hunts barely take damage from my Fulmin and also do a lot of damage to my frames to the point that right now is impossible for me to solo it, and I don't like being carried every week because it feels like I'm leeching. So please help me what should I do next? I'm on my way to unlock Steel Path but I got my ass kicked so hard I'm not even confident enough to tackle SP without being carried again.

  • Zariman, get Phenmor, melt Archons. You really cant get wrong with Zariman weapons from Cavalero. They are easy to get, no RNG involved, you just play missions there, get materials, and rep, and boom you have solid end-game weapons. Alternatives for Zariman weapons are Kuva/Tennet weapons, or some rare Primes, or godroll Rivens. So Zariman weapons are easiest way to get one of the best weapons in the game.

    Comparing to older content Zariman doesnt have that much grind at all. You just work towards unlocking stuff and thats all, really easy and simple. Almost no RNG involved apart from getting initial bank of Entrati Lantenrs, but eventually you will have them enough, just by doing missions.

    Laetus - melts everything Phenmor/Felarx - melts everything, and best Archon hunter Praedos - my to go Acolyte farmer in SP with super easy and cheap heavy attack build

    And best parts about Leatum and Phenmor - they are early in reputation, so like few days worth of reputation from 0 and you have both. Laetum is actually 0 rep requirements, Phenmor is 1st or 2nd rep level

    Or you can always equip Hirudo on Inaros and cheese them that way. Inaros with Hirudo is "press one button and win pretty much every content while watching Netflix", except Arbitration, because pure melee not that good vs Arbitration drones xD You need some ranged weapon to kill Arbitration drones effectively