Waiting at the first airport right now. There's no beer here though, as it's a tiny local airport with only a vending machine. But in about two hours I'll be landing at a larger regional one. As I'm a very frequent flier this means lounge access and free beer during my three hour wait.
Nothing special. I was headed on a short work trip where a couple of coworkers and I had some minutia to sort out, but I'm back home again now. The trip home was supposed to be quicker, with 30 minutes between the two flights I need between work and home, but the final leg of my flight had to revert back due to weather, so insteaf there were six hours of beer in the airport lounge.
A colleague of mine at a different office that I went to visit asked me if I wanted tea or coffee. "Surprise me", I said.
I got earl grey tea, with milk.
I was certainly surprised, and it wasn't terrible by any means, quite refreshing actually. I did feel like I was violating a handful of international tea-drinking etiquette treaties at the time mind.
I just finished finished my morning coffee. I wish I was drinking better coffee than this instant stuff, but so far I've been too lazy to look into better options
Good coffee is definitely worth it though, when you get the energy to upgrade you won't regret it!
I don't know where you're located, but I like ravens brew coffees and use a pour over maker like a chemex, if you want a suggestion you don't have to look up 💜
Tonight; Scotch, it's not bad but it's not amazing. Want; Scotch, from my club which sends bottles from an individual barrel with a number less than 200… rarest and best of liquors I've personal encountered.
Water. And I like water, so no issue there. I don't regularly drink alcohol on a weekday, and any soda or other garbage is banned entirely from my house