How do I have the user represent this in the CLI? keep in mind, this is not the main input and is optional.
One way is to make this only provide-able via a config file using JSON or another structured data representation. But I want to see if theres a good way to do it in the CLI
What I am thinking of:
command --custom-repo uri='https://...',name=custom,sync_type=git --custom-repo ... [main input]
Just pass in the name of a json file as a CLI input (or default the name and act on it if present or use it if indicated [e.g. /U == use json.config]).
Yea, as a user I'd second the use of a configuration file - that approach tends to be much more convenient to use... especially since most users won't often change these values.
I will definitely make that an option, but I would still want it to be invokable via CLI only if the user chooses. It makes scripting easier sometimes.
How about a command-line flag to name an input file, but also process input as JSON, so someone can pipe it to your command or hand-write it if they're crazy?
If the json payload is small with finite keys you can support separate args for those keys. If you really need arbitrary json what you have described is fairly reasonable as a shorthand, similar to AWS CLI shorthand.
Honestly passing optional/advanced args as json via CLI isn't usually too bad since you can quote it with single quotes.
I'm having the same problem. this kind of nested argument is quite annoying to program in e.g. argp. i am even thinking of using a minimal forth like parser to do this.