Jomega Zebraforce would be a kickass band name.
79 0 Replyfidodo All of these would
13 0 Replyfrezik I was thinking Saturday morning cartoon that lasted 5 episodes.
5 0 Reply
BarqsHasBite Who are those 29% who voted for B C and D? Trolls?
67 0 Replyrifugee Or additional dumbasses. Dumbass is not an uncommon trait, after all.
41 0 Replyozymandias117 Tbf, I kind of want to know how much zebraforce my car gets now, though
17 0 ReplyJeeBaiChow Agreed. The ratio is particularly high at maga rallies and anti vaccine drives.
8 0 Reply
troglodytis Some humans just want to watch the world burn
20 0 Replyfoggianism I would have voted for Llamathrust, because it's just such a funny word.
8 0 Reply
funkless_eck I wouldn't be surprised if the voting system you see the audience use is completely fake and the graphs are predetermined before the show is taped.
13 0 ReplyRagingRobot It was probably this guy's family sitting out in the audience lol. Must be no horse where they come from.
10 0 ReplyHonoraryMancunian The charitable interpretation is — for maybe some of them anyway — people who wanted to make it look like it wasn't that obvious of an answer and make him feel less bad about it
9 0 Reply
cmgvd3lw Llamathrust 🔥
65 0 Replytheherk How to keep the Winamp’s back.
11 0 Reply
antonim Let's be honest people's brains absolutely can turn off when they appear on a quiz. It's a weird and stressful situation. Especially if you remember that all of your mistakes will be broadcast to millions of people and commented on and intensely scrutinized.
35 0 Replychetradley What's the excuse for the 29% of the audience?
14 0 ReplyAganim Trolling. I hope.
10 0 Replyantonim Nothing. Though I don't think there are any special requirements for one to be in the audience anyway.
4 0 Reply
AgentGrimstone I'll give him credit for using a lifeline when he truly needed it. Better to use it and get it right than guess and risk having the game end at the first question.
35 0 ReplyKusimulkku That's gonna be all the extra credit that dude ever got
5 0 Reply
theshoeshiner Okay but where is Koalamps.
24 0 ReplyTeckFire Fun fact:
28 Zebraforce is equivalent to 1 Dragonforce
16 0 Replyrustbuckett Dragonforce is awesome.
7 0 ReplyDeath
katy ✨
llamathrust feels like an innuendo dan and phil would make in golf with friends
16 0 ReplyBob Let's be charitable and say he was just being arrogant wasting his lifeline on this question to prove he wouldn't need it later.
14 0 ReplyBustinJiber Me when I'm still not sure
9 0 ReplyUriel238 [all pronouns]
Donkey Power is an important unit used by Macho Business Donkey Wrestlers.
4 0 ReplyGot_Bent If that show is still a thing, I'd like to see a similar question that includes measures of time such as mooches and heads of lettuce.
3 0 Reply