Exactly! They know their book says "love your neighbor" and care for the widow, the orphan & the stranger, but they don't even vaguely do anything like that.
Gotta question whether even White Northern Europeans would be accepted by these people. I suspect no, not really. Such is the extent of the hateful fear mongering they subject themselves to daily.
So racist they hate everyone who isn’t themselves.
TBH I detest much of humanity as well, but it’s mostly because there are so many of us that we’re wrecking the planet / ecosystem. It’s easy psychologically to dislike the faceless ‘other’ until you meet them personally and grok their individual humanity. At least I understand the concept and can temper my instincts with logic. These dipshits need a good therapy session.
It’s so hard to tell anymore, but it’s either sarcasm or misinformation because the plaque is still on the statue and a replica of it is displayed in the museum.
I don't know why people are down voting you. This is exactly what Pew Research has said about religious "nones" in America. The number of dyed-in-the-wool atheists is still quite low and projected to decrease because birth rates.
The reason for the low "nones" is because those who profess to being atheists and agnostics are discriminated against, socially, employment-wise and politically. The vast majority of so-called Christians don't believe a fucjing thing in the bible - it's a dishonest social maneuver designed to create acceptance by the tribe, especially if you are a low-life.