Anyone know if we've got some kinda brandless/debadging community in the Fediverse? Seems like the sort of place one would thrive, but finding communities isn't very straightforward to a newb like me.
Once my car was paid off I told the people of the dealership I wanted their badges removed. And the guy tried to talk me out of it saying by now it would leave a clean spot under it. I told him to do it anyway
Yes. This user is stating that you can purchase a cheaper option that'll be comparatively warm from another company.
They are suggesting that most of the money you'd pay for the jacket comes from the dick measurement contest, not how warm it is, and thus you shouldn't purchase one only to destroy most of it's value instead purchasing another warm jacket.
If you don't care about the brand, why specifically buy a brand that's notoriously overpriced?
I know very little about this market to be fair, so I'd love to hear these cheaper options myself though
Knowing nothing about what badge you speak of, I'm just going to assume the bragging rights implied by keeping the badge is how much you hate Canadian Geese and want people to know their suffering is keeping you warm due to the specific brand's inhumane method of harvesting the down.
If that was the case, I'm a badge on kinda guy.
(I have a Carhartt and while I don't think anything of the status, I know these are highly desired and often stolen so I've put patches over the logos on my jacket just as a security measure; nobody is stealing an UwU jacket)
Same. I live where it gets to -30F or -40F, and I could be out in it all day long in my synthetic filled snowboarding jacket. There's no need for down.
I live in Winterland and have multiple Canada goose locations near me. I bought a $50 winter coat on Amazon this year and it's been great in -18 wind chill. The last time I bought a winter coat was 20 years ago and it too was cheap. It's fine to spend the money but you don't have to.