After almost a year of repeated emails stating the transition from Google Domains will have no effect on customers, no action is required; I just got this email:
Update Dynamic DNS records
Hi there,
As previously communicated, Squarespace has purchased all domain name registrations and related customer accounts from Google Domains. Customers are in the process of being moved to Squarespace Domains, but before we migrate your domain [redacted] we wanted to inform you that a feature you use, Dynamic DNS (DDNS), will not be supported by Squarespace.
So apparently SquareSpace will be entirely useless to me and I've got "as soon as 30 days" to move.
Got any suggestions for good registrars to migrate to?
(it's a .pw domain if that matters)
/edit. I'm a moron.
I already use cloudflare as my name server, Google/SquareSpace only handles the registration.
Just want to clarify - after looking at Porkbun's DNS offerings, it does not appear they do DDNS either. Is that correct? So they are not any better than SquareSpace for that service. Porkbun does have an API interface.
It looks like Namecheap has DDNS support (at least I get valid-looking results when I search for that on their website).
I haven't changed registrars in 10+ years. I am in the same boat re. Google -> SquareSpace. Is DDNS deprecated in favor of API's across the board? It looks more complicated to set up.
Pro tip: If you use Porkbun, don’t leave your domain’s authoritative DNS with Porkbun nameservers.
Over the year or so I had my stuff configured this way, on at least one occasion (that I know about.. I was still setting up my observability stack during this year), the servers were flapping hard for over a day, causing my records to magically vanish from existence intermittently.
I tried contacting them every way I could, hell I even descended into the quagmire of Twitter and created an account so I could tweet at them.. and got silence.
Pretty disappointing. I ended up moving all my DNS to AWS Route 53 after a few hours of pulling out my hair. They did eventually respond to my email like a day later, after I’d already moved everything over.
But idk maybe I’m wrong expecting an indie domain registrar to have super high availability on their nameservers.. oh well
I worked for a company that had over 300 clients with sites with them. They don't give a fuck. We literally moved over 300 accounts to another provider over their shit support/sales teams. Domain, hosting everything.
They. Don't. Care.
They took down services by trying things that aren't possible on their platform (DMARC for subdomain). Totally unacceptable. How tf do they not know that they can't accommodate my request without damaging my infrastructure?! Other providers can do DMARC for subdimains?!? WTF?!?!
If they're your provider and you're in trouble, contact Newfold Digital support first. That's their parents company. They tend to route you better than Bluehost does. Shit Bluehost chat support has been broken for like 3 months lmao.
Yeah that's exactly what i do. I have an A record that points to my house and i update it every 4 hours from a script on my router. Been really happy with cloudflare, they have a weird restriction about using your own nameservers, but as long as you are happy with theirs then they seem to be great.
I’ve been using AWS R53 for this for ages and it works well. Not specifically recommending AWS but using dynamic updates rather than a DDNS service (or running your own name server which I’ve also done).
I have one last domain to move off Google Domains as the registrar. All my other domains are moved to Porkbun already and haven't had any issues. All of my domains use for DNS.