The research letter, published by JAMA Internal Medicine, estimated that nearly 520,000 rapes were associated with 64,565 pregnancies across 14 states.
The research letter, published by JAMA Internal Medicine, estimated that nearly 520,000 rapes were associated with 64,565 pregnancies across 14 states.
More than 64,000 women and girls became pregnant because of rape in states that implemented abortion bans after Roe v. Wade was overruled, according to a new research estimate published online Wednesday.
The research letter, published by JAMA Internal Medicine and headed up by the medical director at Planned Parenthood of Montana, estimated that nearly 520,000 rapes were associated with 64,565 pregnancies across 14 states, most of which had no exceptions that allowed for terminations of pregnancies that occurred as a result of rape.
Texas topped the list, with 45% of the rape-related pregnancies occurring within the state, researchers estimated. Ninety-one percent of the estimated rape-related pregnancies took place in states without exceptions for rape, according to the researchers.
"Few (if any)" of the women and girls who became pregnant because of rape "obtained in-state abortions legally, suggesting that rape exceptions fail to provide reasonable access to abortion for survivors," the research letter said.
Rape in pro birth States was already above the national average. Now that they have given rapist the green light to try to extend the control over their victims indefinitely with a child.
I would really love it if a Pro-lifer could come and comment here about how this is such a good thing. And how this will benefit both the mother and child. How this is going to foster such a wonderful happy family...
...but they won't. Their support is surface level. "Babies good, abortion bad." God forbid you take off their rose-tinted glasses and expose them to the fucking realities of this world. Fuck them and their ignorance. They're ignorance fueled these policies and the politicians that pushed them.
No matter how frustrated I got with my sex life with my ex, the thought of rape was very much a "why would you do that to someone you care about" thought response.
That says to me that the perpetrators lack the ability to really care or empathize.
How many of those 520k rapes resulted in any prosecution? How many rapists are still out there, going about life lacking any form of human empathy?
All fascist dictatorships included lots of rape. It is one of the defining social characteristics of authoritarian societies and was a present in the regimes of Mussolini and Hitler as well as their more modern counterparts such as the regimes of Saddam Hussein and ISIS.
These two things are really the same thing and are inseparable because it is always about power and the maintaining of authoritarian power dynamics. This is just what right-wingers do and have always done.
64,565 rapists live openly raping women in Texas. Is this not the more concerning concern? Like sure, 65k women are pregnant now and who cares about their life right? But that's 65k within just a few months. I assume it's gotta be less than 65k rapists? Most probably more than 1 rapist. So middle of the road, a rapist that raped 4 women in the past few months so like 13,000 rapists. How long will it take 13,000 rapists to rape everyone you know personally? Wife, daughter, mom, friend? Isn't that also important? Okay maybe keep abortion available until you Texas chop 13,000 dicks off?