I was in a coffeeshop on the Idaho side of the mountains yesterday and I was listening to two young Gen-Z girls talk (~17) and Austin came up. One girl said that she heard it was a great town. The other told her not to bother because Texas is too patriarchal, they love their guns way too much and their power grid fails so much that it kills people. Idaho! The Texas state government has ass fucked and murdered the golden goose.
I honestly think their objective is to keep the state as deep red as possible. They want an owner caste and a worker caste and if you aren't one of the owners you're a dumb uneducated worker whom if you get sick you die so that you make room for more workers. Act out? die (executed) and make room for more workers.
0 sex ed, gotta get those dumb babies to do the dumb jobs nobody wants to do, then brainwash them with propaganda to vote red to screw those libs and "stupid" educators and educated.
Back when I lived there, the saying was “the rest of the US hates Texas, and the rest of Texas hates Austin”. Probably at least partially explained why it was so entertaining there.