And because abortion is illegal and mothers are forced to bring non-viable pregnancies to term, both the living and dying occur on the same day for the baby. Somehow these proponents of abortion bans still call themselves "pro-life".
And of course Texans will make a point to shame these women, label them irresponsible, and demand they and their children suffer in squallor, because sex is the privilege of those with economic means and they need to pay dearly for disregarding that.
The Republicans must be drunk on schadenfreude from this. They don't give a shit about life, the rich ones wanted more desperate, unwanted capital batteries in the pipeline for exploitation, mission accomplished, and the poor ones just love watching people who aren't them suffer to feel superior.
"If you're pre-born, you're fine, if you're pre-schooled, you're fucked. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life, these people aren't pro-life, they're killing doctors, what kind of pro-life is that? What, they'll do everything they can do save a fetus, but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it?"
I was in a coffeeshop on the Idaho side of the mountains yesterday and I was listening to two young Gen-Z girls talk (~17) and Austin came up. One girl said that she heard it was a great town. The other told her not to bother because Texas is too patriarchal, they love their guns way too much and their power grid fails so much that it kills people. Idaho! The Texas state government has ass fucked and murdered the golden goose.
Back when I lived there, the saying was “the rest of the US hates Texas, and the rest of Texas hates Austin”. Probably at least partially explained why it was so entertaining there.
Start holding a pregnant teen miss Texas pageant, ages 13 (at due date) to age 17, nationally televise it. Have questions concerning what they plan on doing for education, work, where they'll live, if the father is in the picture, also basic life experience questions and knowledge questions... Make it as uncomfortable for the viewers as possible.
They're also passing laws like this to make left leaning people flee the state and cement their grip on the power. I used to think this idea was veering into conspiracy theory territory (and technically it still is without proof) but I'm more and more convinced it's part of the plan. Raise idiots by destroying education and pumping them full of propaganda, gerrymand local districts, and make the libruls leave. Trifecta!
But remember, Greg Abbott started all this bullshit back in 2021 when he pushed his 6 week "heart beat" ban, and it went all the way up to SCOTUS to determine if it was viable.
Then Texas elected him to Governor again. So I'm not holding my breath.
Texas simply does not gaf about anyone who isn't a rich white heterosexual male.
in Texas the
steady decline in the teen birth rate since 2007 ended in 2022,
with a slight rise in overall teen births – up from 20.32 to 20.4
births per 1,000 (a 0.39% rise)
We're talking about a change of less than half a percent - probably just statistical noise like the 1.74% increase in liberal Massachusetts during that time.
(Massachusetts still has a teen birth rate about 3.5 times lower than Texas. I thought that that might be due simply to differences in ethnic makeup, but non-Hispanic white people in Texas still have a teen birth rate almost double that of Massachusetts, so there must also be a large contribution from culture, government policy, or average income...)