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Always seemed like such a strange word. Like, it's such a common thing that English needed a word that specifically means to throw someone out a window?
Fenestra is the latin word for window.
Similar words are used in some latin languages as Italian, catalán or Galician.
I don't think it would be much used in central Europe, maybe in Romanian, as it also derivated from latin. But I don't think that would be the case for Germanic or slavic languages.
Edit: just looked it up, seems like some Germanic languages also have the same Latin root for window.
I'm honestly quite shocked that billionaire CEOs and all around shitheels haven't seen any assassination attempts. You see and hear constant criticism calling them evil monsters and yet not one mentally unhinged person has made them a target? I'm sure they have security and what not but the paparazzi have no problem getting pictures.
There was a Silicon Valley exec recently murdered by someone who also worked in the industry, which one may count as an "assassination", but this particular incident was personally motivated and not trying to send some sort of big message.
Why metaphorically? Invite him to one of those Western town amusement parks where you can have a fake bar fight and throw him through a sugar glass window.