Girls played with sticks as swords too 😊
33 2 ReplySource?
12 5 ReplyLife and knowing girls?
12 1 ReplyMyself and various siblings/cousins/friends
1 0 Reply
Sure, but did you do it in your 20s?
1 1 ReplyI read it as a girl talking to another girl. Who’s sexist now?
1 2 Reply
My son was lurking over my shoulder an asked me what that was. I told him just a stick. His response: cool stick 🤣
18 1 ReplyDuel of the Fates starts playing
11 0 ReplyBut it could be fire.
10 0 ReplyI am a stick.
4 0 ReplyBut you could be fire!
3 0 Reply
This reference is fire
3 1 Reply
This is the blade with which I have slain many foes
8 0 ReplyWhen I was a kid, me and my friends used to ravage our neighbor's coffee trees for the coolest looking sticks. Also, ripe coffee berries is kinda tasty. The neighbor was always mad, but we got away scot-free because the neighbor's nephew was in it too.
5 0 ReplyIs there a stick in this picture?
3 0 ReplyYou dont even need to buy mordhau now
3 0 ReplyYes, sticks are soo exiting
2 0 ReplyStick fights are one of the most memorable parts of my childhood.
2 0 Reply