I am currently using Bring! with my wife to organize our grocery shopping. I am looking for a self hosted alternative.
I looked at the awesome self-hosted list and tried Specifically Clementines and of course Grocy. I like that Grocy also includes meal planning although the whole inventory management is too much for us. What I don't like is the interface for both of them. I don't see us using this while in the store with a kid on the arm. It is way too fiddly and complicated. Also adding new items to the list is rather complicated in both apps.
Do you have any suggestions for other projects with a more user friendly interface (even if it means less features)?
We switched to Kitchen Owl and it works out okay. The recipe management is nice in theory, but doesn't work well for most of our recipe sources (because of parsing issues most websites aren't recognized and ingredient amounts are not parsed correctly for German recipes), but we usually just create an empty recipe with a link to the original. This isn't perfect - in hindsight we should have stayed with Bring! because it just works better. We are hoping that the issues will be fixed sometime in the future although I am not sure what to expect...
I've been extremely fond of "Our Groceries" for many years. It strikes a sweet spot between features and simplicity of use, and the devs are very responsive and have added several features after my suggestions. Really the only downside right now is that it can't use the front facing camera on my wall mounted android tablet for scanning barcodes.
Another thought: I use grocy (or at least try to use it) to have an overview of my stock and know when an open item in the fridge neeeds to be used before spoiling. But I just use a shared note on nextcloud for shopping, which is good enough for two people. But of course there is no meal planning or recipe management
If you want to do a bit of engineering: CalDAV supports todo lists. I forget what server software I've got running, but I sync the list to my android phone via DAVx5 and tick off/add items via tasks. For other platforms you can just look for CalDAV-supported programs (most email apps.)
Ran into a similar conundrum. We use mealie for recipe management and occasionally meal planning, but the shopping list is clunky. We resorted to just making a list on a card in Planks. Not purpose-built, but it has worked rather well for us.
My partner and I use a pinned issue as our grocery list on our git repo for managing our household. All running on top of a self-hosted gitea instance.
Great for being able to create git issues for honey-dos as well as having automations for creating issues for recurring tasks.
"Hey we need to take X to the vet for Y sometime next week"
"Oh yeah, can you go ahead and put in a ticket?"
Amd vice versa
I like the recipe management, but I dislike the grocery list for the same reason I don't like Grocy. It is just too complex and hard to use in the store.