To be fair this is not the first infamous fascist with a bad hairdo, but this one certainly raised the bar. It looks like a bowl cut, but with different size bowls used...
It's been reported by several people, both reporters and those close to Johnson, that his wild hair is an affectation, he intentionally roughs it up before he does anything in the public eye.
Is there some sort of strategy going on here? Like, these dudes looked at Trump and whatever the fuck is happening on his head and went, "well if it worked for him it'll work for me?"
Ugh seriously it’s so often these dipshits who think their race makes them special. Like I get that they probably are reaching deep into the barrel to find anything that makes them special it’s not like they can fall back on their personalities, intelligence, appearance, or achievement. So they’ve got to brag about not having much melanin when for other folks it’s just a physical feature we have that’s unfortunately got several centuries of baggage to it.
Like I get that they probably are reaching deep into the barrel to find anything that makes them special it’s not like they can fall back on their personalities, intelligence, appearance, or achievement.
This one detail is responsible for the kernel of sadness I feel for many on the far right. These are despicable people who were once kids who just wanted to be grownups and do grownup things. And whether due to genetics or due to upbringing, anything else that might have given them a sense of pride and competence is not something they have. As you say - all they have left is trying to push others down, hoping this lands them on top. Damn it's truly sad.
Nail on the head. Racism now stems from people feeling like they're no one, but they have an excuse to feel better than this person for an arbitrary reason so they take it.
There's a reason most of the racists are poor uneducated white people
Exactly. Like I’m not going to pretend that racism isn’t a problem at all levels of society. But at a certain level of doing shit with my life worthy of pride people building their life around racism went from wrong and stupid to also being pathetic. Either your skin color is all you have going for you which is fucking pathetic or you’ve achieved something with your life and you still manage to think that your whiteness is one of your most important features which says something is seriously wrong with you. There’s no pride or specialness in being the cultural default.
Like my family immigrated to America recently enough that where we’re from is slightly relevant to my life experiences, and so it has some value to me. But how could I be such a delusional jackass that I can’t see that in others. If grandpa was an immigrant well then I oughta welcome folks here like he wished he’d been welcomed. I appreciated getting to celebrate grandpa’s culture, so maybe other people would like to too and maybe I’ll enjoy celebrating other people’s culture. If America is better for folks like my family being in it then who am I to say other families can’t make it better too.
I swear, those (almost-)extremist-rightwing tossers are some kind of clones, remember Donald Trump, Geert Wilders and Boris Johnson? This guy fits right in.
When I was underprivileged, uneducated youth, I got sucked into football hooligan/neo-nazi circles and actually met some „high ranking nationalist party members“. Two brothers, same haircut as this dude, 300 pounds, 30 yrs old and still living with their mommy in a smoke filled, dirty apartment with a giant swastika flag in the living room.
Thats what got me out of fascist circles. I was so shocked that people looked up to these morons.
This actually led to my belief that fascists actually mostly are uneducated and unloved people who get exploited by psychopaths. Those would one would need to take out (by legal means, naturally).
I recall something about this with Boris Johnson being intentional. That may be what's happening here. It's so bad that your political opponents fixate on it, and half the articles written about you are about your dumb looks instead of your monstrous policies.
It's because idiots that follow them don't care, some undecided will check him out because of the haircut and listen to what he says, and everyone else is making fun of his haircut instead of commenting on the vile shit he spouts.
To make them stand out I guess so that you can identify with them easier. And all dear leaders or nazis had their special weird take on hair & mustaches.
I’m not convinced this isn’t a nice wig being worn that was then absolutely butchered, right before this photo was taken. Really quick in the bathroom in a “oh fuck you bought a women’s wig?” Moment.