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Daily Discussion Thread: Tues 11 Jul 2023

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  • here's some winter orchids

    • I love your vases, I never have enough smaller ones and these show off your gorgeous orchids nicely.

      • the two small ones are bud vases . Really, an op shop is the best place to find vases , just look at the glasses, cups and glassware and get what you think will work.

    • Omg they're beautiful!

      • thanks , it's nice to have flowers in winter :) The blooms are so heavy I got a lead crystal carafe from the op shop to show them in, it's very bottom heavy and has a narrow neck, works perfect! The others I just snipped one bloom off a long stalk with many blooms. Wanted to keep some flowers for outside too.

    • Beautiful Orchids. You have to take the photo in landscape. (Turn the phone sideways)

      • Thanks. I did! I retook the picture.

        • No worries you helped me yesterday with the anti fungal cream idea. I went out and bought curash powder. Not the one I wanted but so far so good. 👍

          • I had the same thing with a watchband happen to me years ago. My doc said he sees it all the time.

    • They look really nice, I love the gentle colours of them.

    • Those are gorgeous. I especially love that tiger orchid thing in the middle with the fancy purple skirt.

      • The tiger orchid thing is a zygopetalum, a pretty rare orchid, it has a strong perfume, hence I only brought one bloom inside. There are three big spikes of flowers on the plant outside and the whole balcony area is redolent with orchid .

        • That sounds so lovely. Orchid growing sounds so complicated to me so I love admiring others instead. You've inspired me to freshen up the room with a bit of fragrance myself

          • it's easy, I just follow instructions. I use orchid potting mix, put the plant in morning sun, water every few days in summer, never in winter, gives lots and lots of plant food

    • Pretty!