Despite expectations, Apple has failed to sell out of its Vision Pro on launch day. This is despite estimates of day 1 availability being limited to between 60,000 and 80,000 units.
Apple Vision Pro failed to sell out on launch day::Despite expectations, Apple has failed to sell out of its Vision Pro on launch day. This is despite estimates of day 1 availability being limited to between 60,000 and 80,000 units.
Cause No one wants to pay this much for a VR headset that doesn't even run any games.
Except for the usual fanboys that would buy everything from the fruit company.
It doesn't run games? What is it actually expected to be used for then, for the average consumer? The only things Ive really seen VR used for thus far are games or game-like social apps, and some commercial purposes like certain kinds of training. Since this looks like it's been sold to individual consumers then, what are they expecting the use case to be?
You got that impression? I got the impression that the best selling point of it was all about the excel sheets and do more efficiently your work with it (should I remark this is sarcasm?).
The Internet tells me it's a good contender for enterprise as a similar headset that doesn't need a computer to work costs about $5k+. So I guess the fact it's being sold to consumers is just to ice the proverbial enterprise made money cake. And since so many major consumer apps are saying no to supporting the headset it's gotta sell in the enterprise world or find a super niche of well to do hackers, given it's cost, to keep it alive.
The second hand market in a couple years will be very telling of how well it did and is doing.
It won’t even run all iPad apps since the developers of some major apps (Netflix, etc) have disabled that function. I don’t think anyone wants Apple to have as much control as they do for the iOS App Store. We also haven’t been shown a compelling reason to spend that much money on a new product and ecosystem when 99% of the computing we do is always with us. I love Apple products and I have zero interest in Vision Pro.