The 90s Developer Starter Pack
The 90s Developer Starter Pack
Experiencing Windows 95 Exploration Box Installation Like People In Early 90s.

fiat_lux What do you call the feeling when you're nostalgic but it's also slightly painful?
7 0 Replynatarey
I'm sure there's a very long German word for that
6 0 Reply
Oliver Lowe
A real gold mine for a person like me who lives in a developing country with restricted access to old hardware.
Does that mean it’s harder to find old hardware in developing countries? Interesting. Maybe because there wasn’t much hardware in circulation in the country at the time?
5 0 Replyneil
It's likely not the full story, but there were some crazy export restrictions in the 90s. Apple made a commercial poking at it:
2 0 Reply
This is more late 90s. I expected more Borland C and realmode DOS.
3 0 Replynebiros I remembered those fuckers from SIS, it was a pain in the ass dealing with that chipset in Linux back in the days
1 0 Reply