I would agree Mr PP Boy, but my self proclaimed communist friend from childhood loved Stalin. And last I ran into him he was reading Maos theory. Guy was 27 years old at that point too.
So for those of us following along at home, you know a guy who believes a thing, therefore you have applied that belief to all people who proclaim to believe a different thing?
Exactly! Just because I'm reading volume 27 of "Sheep Fornicators Extreme - Global Takeover!" doesn't mean I'm into sex with sheep, I just appreciate the skill it takes to draw it so well.
Oh trust me, thus person is very real. My conversations were so frustrating, he was so entrenched in his dogma it was like talking to a religious person.
I was in SDS in college, and I did a fair bit of activism over the last decade. I met more self described communists than I would have liked. I'm sorry your fellow comrades gave me a bad impression of your religion
And his friends. And the people in the Marxist Leninist instances here.
Also, another really smart dude I talk to regularlu, he says he would consider himself a Marxists. Probably not a Tankie, but still says stupid shit saying that the war un Ukraine is the US fault and its a result of NATO expansionist. Which is wrong for so many reasons. And his grandma was a communist China apologist.
Communism is stupid, and the people that follow it are dogmatic and have no pragmatic basis for their "theory" other than their feelings. If it offends go cry about it.
Or apparently not replying at all, in this case. My favorite is the Jordan Peterson response, though: "I had over 6 months to prepare for a debate on this topic after decades of claiming to be an expert and showed up to admit I could only be bothered to read his manifesto"
Communism is stupid, and the people that follow it are dogmatic and have no pragmatic basis for their “theory” other than their Communism is stupid, and the people that follow it are dogmatic and have no pragmatic basis for their “theory” other than their feelings. If it offends go cry about it. feelings. If it offends go cry about it.
Working backwards, I’m not offended, rather amused.
Why did you put theory in quotes? Why and how is the theory stupid? Please give me direct critiques of Marx/Engels work, that aren’t copied/pasted (I’m rusty af so we’re probably starting from the same point).
Communist China apologist? What kinds of things, for example?
How didn’t NATO expansionism continue to, if not cause, the way in Ukraine? Bonus points if you can find msm articles that no one remembers talking about the alarming spread of communism, in Ukraine, before the war started.
Henry Ford was just the Elon Musk of his day. An exploitative asshole pretending to be a genius when all the actual work was done by other people.
The Model T was not designed by Ford, it was designed by other engineers. But Ford did at least start his own company, unlike Musk who bought Tesla from other, smarter people.
Henry Ford also wrote a series of books titled "the international jew" in which he spew antisemitic shit and crazy conspiracy theories.
He had his own newspaper to publish anti-semitic ideology. High ranking German Nazis including Hitler considered him an inspiration.
Saying he was "just the Elon Musk of his time" falls on short on how fiercly Ford was anti-semitic, how he systematicall contributed to the ideological framework for anti-semitism and spread it among the Americans and the people in the world.
He was both a key actor internationally and in the US, to stir anti-semitism. The US was on a good trajectory to become fascist themselves too, if it wasn't for the war with Japan starting. The reluctance to intervene as well as to take jewish refugees.
Tens of thousands of the millions of jews that were killed by Nazi Germany could have been saved if the US didnt impose strict limits on immigration as the result of lacking public support.
And Elon Musk would probably be exactly the same if not that he would be totally cancelled today. Xitter (pronounced Shitter) is supposed to be his newspaper where he can trumpet his far-right BS, but we have the ability to push back now which didn’t exist in Henry Ford’s time.
At what age are you supposed to stop hoping for a more equal world and start cheering on the billionaires destroying the planet? I'm in my 40's and I might be a little behind.
A tankie is every bit as real of a leftist as an anarchist or demsoc imo. Tankies suck balls, no question. But to say that they're not true leftists is kinda dumb. A typical convinced tankie well and truly believes that they are fighting for equality and the path towards communism.
I don't think it can realistically be done. I think Vanguardist shenanigans lead to state capitalism. That being said, reformists have a damn slim chance of replacing capitalism as well. We still call them leftists, no? What about social democrats? Mutualists? Those don't even want socialism at all.
They are still leftists, even if they suck at leftism.