Employees fretted over company’s ‘negligible’ response to child grooming, according to internal documents made public in lawsuit
Employees fretted over company’s ‘negligible’ response to child grooming, according to internal documents made public in lawsuit
Meta estimates about 100,000 children using Facebook and Instagram receive online sexual harassment each day, including “pictures of adult genitalia”, according to internal company documents made public late Wednesday.
The unsealed legal filing includes several allegations against the company based on information the New Mexico attorney general’s office received from presentations by Meta employees and communications between staff. The documents describe an incident in 2020 when the 12-year-old daughter of an executive at Apple was solicited via IG Direct, Instagram’s messaging product.
The negative outcome from this information is that state governments are going to take this and start banning everything like they are doing with books. Social media companies should be doing more by going after and banning those individuals that abuse others online. However, parents need to be the ones who monitor and control their children's online usage. The internet connects everyone with billions of other people and their are going to be shitty and deplorable people online as well. Banning tik tok or Facebook isn't the answer. Educate your kids on the dangers of the internet. Put parental control on your devices. Limit the amount of time they have access. And keep an eye on those they interact with online.
I like to make this analogy:
Would you let your kid alone in india or any other country?
Cause letting YOUR kid alone on the Internet is the exact same. They are interacting with potentially billions of strangers.
I don't want the Internet to be moderated to a death of information, I want YOU to watch YOUR kids. I shouldn't have to be deprived of access to information because YOU are too lazy to raise YOUR kids !
I'm sure they're ok with it, probably just chalk it up to "the cost of doing business" or some other nebulous bullshit that frees them of any responsibility whatsoever
probably just chalk it up to “the cost of doing business”
That's exactly what they'll do. It's the same thing that companies do every time they're fined a pittance when one of their employees is killed on the job.
Yep! They make a shitload of money off kids (parents) so whatever fines they end up having to pay is just the cost of doing business. Meanwhile children are being groomed every day on their platforms.