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What's your favorite rabbit hole to go down?

I was just watching Titanic and spent 20 minutes looking up the effects of hypothermia and discovering that Jack may have been alive and in stage 3 hypothermia when Rose let go, and because he sank instead of floated, he was in fact alive. It was a fun little time sink. What rabbit holes have you done down recently?

  • Discovering how to extract game sounds into common formats from a Nintendo switch game catridge

  • I start out with the Fermi paradox and might end up anywhere. And once every now and then I read about those two Dutch girls who got lost in the Amazon jungle.

    • I think about that incident about the two Dutch tourists every few months. It's just crazy imagining what they went through.

  • The Titanic is endlessly fascinating. Curse OceanGate for reawakening the Titanic Beast deep within me.

  • Also Titanic. Spent a lot more then 20 mins myself though. I'm on like week 3 of my Titanic rabbit hole

  • Computer Science ATM. I'm slowly dancing around the subject of how the CPU scheduler works with modern hardware and resource allocation, and I mean SLOWLY. Like this has been on my back burner for a couple months.