The senator said he has "a hard time understanding" why Trump's legal issues don't "seem to be moving the needle" with more voters.
The senator said he has "a hard time understanding" why Trump's legal issues don't "seem to be moving the needle" with more voters.
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) called out the majority of Iowa Republican caucus voters who baselessly believe that President Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election legitimately.
“I think a lot of people in this country are out of touch with reality and will accept anything Donald Trump tells them,” Romney, who announced in September that he is not seeking reelection, told CNN journalist Manu Raju on Wednesday.
About 65% of Iowa caucusgoers said they believe former President Donald Trump’s lie that the 2020 election was “stolen” from him, according to entrance poll data.
I cannot understand how conservatives in the us that do not buy in to the maga talking points can still vote for their party.
They have seen the checks and balances in action so all they need to do is stay home one election cycle to give a clear signal.. this is not the direction they want. This will force the Republican party to face the maga extremists and go back to their normal ways. Which still is not good but at least not beholden to a narcissist wannabe dictator.
The problem is that this didn't start with Trump. He is just the perfect type of candidate to harness the lightning.
That mentality started with Lee Atwater and has slowly mutated into what it is today. All of the signs were there. It's why John McCain had such a hard time and why he had to have a "firebrand" as a running mate
The group at the center of a lot of the mutation is Fox News. Without their dedication to creating an alternate universe of reality, I don't think things would be as bad.
There's a pretty good documentary on Lee Atwater called Boogey Man and it's on Prime right now.
It predates Atwater. We should acknowledge the fact that Republicans planned a coup around the same time as Hitler's beer hall putch. FDR then cut a deal with the fascist Republicans to temporarily pass his new deal policies. In exchange for not prosecuting and locking them up.
We should also acknowledge the fact that the man most likely to have been tapped as their fascist dictator had. His son and grandson go on to be president of the United States. Some of the most damaging ones
That isn't to downplay Atwater and his contemporaries. They managed the merger of the two most evil groups in modern American history. After the Democratic party purged itself. The fact is the Republican party has been anti-democratic and authoritarian since nearly the start of the 20th century.
There is a deep schism in America. One that conservatives have slowly been losing. Progress is made and the conservative ideal of life (which has served them very well and they are quite comfortable with) has been chipped away at for decades. Obama becoming President brought it all to a head. The country was taken over by folks who don't look like them and don't think like them. They are just as afraid of losing their country to the left as the left is afraid of Trump's fascism.
Trump, regardless of any flaws he could have, has basically made the cold war that they'd been slowly losing hot, and they think that's their ticket to turning things around and winning. And he'll turn on a dime to attack anyone, so they just need to be on his side and wait for the left to be effectively destroyed and that will preserve their way of life. And so they are fanatically loyal to him and to a large degree will bear any pain as long as it hurts the right people more.
So they won't turn away from Trump no matter what and he's made it easy for them by providing the lie that he's under attack by a vast conspiracy so they can believe all his legal woes are purely political if that makes them feel more comfortable. They believe in him because he is their champion. He is their Goliath. Their Achilles. Their god-appointed savior.
They don't want the status quo, because progress was slowly happening under it. They want a hot war and Trump will deliver. And they're too willfully blind to see the cost that must eventually be paid.
People like that do not think long term. Otherwise, they woukd realize change is inevitable and unstoppable. This change might not be what they want or what any of us want (robot apocoloypse comes to mind) but its coming.
Note: investing does not count as long term thinking here. I'm talking about a social and political future.
I agree. Anyone that was a republican before Jan 6 and hasn't changed their party affiliation is firmly in the "I'm ok with an orange faced dictator" boat.
I disagree. For example, a billionaire knows that Democrats want to raise his taxes and decrease his wealth. So it's pragmatic for him to vote for Republicans, despite having so much money it ceases being a unit of exchange and becomes just a scoreboard.
You know my favorite part about this? Even a guy who believes that a man who told fortunes by looking at a rock inside his hat one day dug up some golden plates and an angel helped him translate them and then took the plates away and that's why he has to wear magic underwear realizes that Trump supporters are out of touch with reality. (Even if he does qualify it with 'some.')
The Mormon, the Scientologist, and the 7th Day Adventist all making fun of those silly QAnoners. 🤣
Trump supporters are out of touch with reality
The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' [...] 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'
~ attributed by journalist Ron Suskind to an unnamed official in the George W. Bush administration who used it to denigrate a critic of the administration's policies as someone who based their judgments on facts
These idiots and assholes have always been with us. Trump's really piled on the clown make-up, but you can find like-minded delusional assholes going straight back to the administrations of our nation's founders.
My fortune telling hat has an angry rabbit inside who screams obscenities that only I can hear, it's my sorrowful duty to listen and report whatb he says.
I mean, Fox News and right wing radio shows have been pushing disinformation for years. It was there before Trump. I mean, how many people believe Obama is a Muslim? Election denial is just an off shoot of that with many of their propaganda pieces.
Nowadays though there's just a cinematic universe of shows (PragerU, Shapiro, etc) for right wingers to cosplay their "reality" in.
Although, I'll step in and say I don't know if Ben actually is an election denier. I don't think he would be.
Most are out of touch with reality, the rest aren't dumb, but are completely corrupt and seek to take advantage of a trump government to give themselves more power. They know how Trump and the republicans is, what he's trying to do, but the truth is it will benefit them and that's all that matters.
You can absolutely be both. Some of these assholes start out cynically playing the part and, as the grift grinds on, begin to get high on more and more of their own supply.
You can trace this back to Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard, and Ludwig Von Mises. Then on to William F. Buckley and Rush Limbaugh. And now we've got the Ben Shapiros and Tucker Carlsons and Jordan B Petersons. They're creating a new generation of Andrew Tates, Joe Rogans, and Elon Musks. People shitting out garbage and holding Big Gulp Challenges to see who can swallow the most of it down. And those people become the prophets of the next generation.
There's always some amount of money in being the most high profile dupes. That keeps the wheel turning for the rest of us.
I laugh at articles I see which site "independent voters". If you're still claiming to be undecided on Trump in 2023, you're brain dead or full of shit or both. You know exactly who he is by now
Romney is living in a nostalgic world where the GOP was just the party for rich old white guys who wanted to cheat the poor, and not the party of "Literal sterilization camps at the border".
These people are out of touch with reality, now, let me tell you about my imaginary invisible friend who will torture us forever if we don't do what the men in robes and hats say he wants and tithe 10% of our income to them.
I have a friend of mine, he's an old man who isn't long for this world... he idolizes Trump and writes off anything negative about him as propaganda, and claims Trump is this genius who outsmarts everyone, that no one "really believes" in the things he's being prosecuted for, and he'll be seen as a Martyr when Joe Biden has him assassinated because the "Blatant mistreatment" he's recieved has made him too sympathetic....
And EVERYTHING he says about Trump has him painted as this Patriotic American Super Hero, this.. Great Man who's five steps ahead...
And that ANYTHING that shows him a negative light is ALL of the Media wokring together on a secret plan to make this Steel Balled Ubermench look foolish...
It's real sad, he's an old man who's usually smarter than this, but... the fantasy that the world will be "saved" while he's still alive, keeps his mouth against Trump's ass
I'm not a Trump supporter, but Mr. Romney, please name me a politician that is serving in our Government who IS in touch with reality. They all have their heads so far up lobbyists asses they wouldn't know it if reality smacked them on the lips.
How distorted are you that you took my statement as "pro trump". Is he not a politician? Yes, so therefore he is out of touch as well. The people that rule you have no idea what it's like to be an average american. they are ALL OUT OF TOUCH and the fact that you defend any of them shows you are as well.
60 cases filed for the benefit of the Republican party attempting to overturn the election that got Trump out of power and not one piece of evidence was admitted let alone submitted for the courts to consider. It's time to start picking your battles, Mr. Not a Trump Supporter