Nintendo has a tendency to be a-holes to streamers who acknowledge they are playing pirated or modded games on their consoles. It is why you tend to want to follow yahoo anime rules even if you are obviously emulating a SNES.
But also... what is even the point of this? With the 3ds it sort of made sense since you really had no other handheld options. These days, portable gaming devices are a dime a dozen and the vast majority of the "modern" ones outperform the switch anyway. So people who are planning to pirate nintendo games already know they are 100-200 USD away from a much better experience that can ALSO pirate plenty of other platforms (and has Steam which gets rid of the nintendo tax for those who buy games). Which, factoring in the cost of the flash cart (looks like 59 USD from their US store with maybe 7 bucks of shipping?), isn't even that much.
And for people who want to play it on their TV/PC? It is even easier to outperform the switch.
I guess there are "kids" for whom their switch is their primary and only console. But it has mostly slotted itself into the role as "the second console that everyone has" with a PS4/5 or XBOX whatever as the "primary" for non-Nintendo games. And the people who are going to be buying this cart likely aren't 12 year old kids talking to their parents about why this random sketchy site needs credit card info...
The point is for people to have digital backups their roms to play legally and to play roms on native hardware that will guarantee smooth playing. The cost is also a factor since the switch is ending very soon; a used switch oled, a cart with 7 years worth of "free" games would <=$300. Pretty cheap if one wants to start gaming without breaking the bank.
Adding on to say, yes the Steam Deck is cheaper and better when getting one at the new discount prices. It all depends on preference for emulation or running on original software. And most here would agree that Steam deck with emulation is preferred.
You're talking like everyone owns a steam deck od Rog Ally, or should just buy one of those instead? Well for starters, the SD doesn't play switch games all really well. Frame rate and stuttering issues and not all games work.
Secondly; and the bigger thing is that the SD is far and away the most popular pc handheld. It's estimated to have sold around 4 to 6 million units so far. I love mine. It's awesome. Switch has currently sold 132 million units. It's the most sold system in the world. More than any xbox, ps4, or ps5.
You're talking like the Mig isn't for people who already own a switch. You're also in some weird edgelord mindset where you think mostly just kids own a switch? Nintendo releases the age demographics of switch users, since you enter in your birthday on your profile. Every age between 18 and 45 is higher than any age under 17. Most people with a switch aren't 12. They're 25.
I am the legal target audience. I have a PC that I use at home for most games and a switch that I use for flights and business trips. I buy most games on physical karts because I prefer them to digital and buying used games on eBay is half as expensive as the eShop. Having 3-4 games on a single chip would be much more convenient than carrying several games with me.
Also I bought it in ~2018. In 2018 there were no other good portable game systems at a reasonable price point. There are a lot of good Nintendo exclusive games series out there. Yes there are modern portable systems that can emulate the switch but I'm not going to buy a new system to emulate something I already own.
It seems like this will be able to play modified games too. I would love to try out some custom games on my switch.
The piracy option is also nice but I could almost justify the kart without that.
Popping it in and out to get all the games loaded in sounds not great at all to me. I heard previously that it was necessary to get around some protection system, but surely there could have been a button we could press to short something and make the console think the cart was unplugged without physically unplugging it?
I'm gonna wait to see if there's a v2 eventually. Or competitor products. Or in two week I'll get tired of waiting and just buy it. I won't know until it happened.
Given they can't seem to have a loader, I know they have to somehow trigger the Switch to know there's another game - but can you imagine having to do that several times to cycle to the game you want? The cost needed to repair the cartridge slot after too many pushes is definitely going to outweigh having just bought a Steam Deck and emulated the Switch instead.
If I were to get my hands on one of these, I probably wouldn't put too many games on there, maybe just one or two that I'm adamant on playing at the time.
I do have some low capacity micro SDs scattered at home as well that should barely be large enough to house a single switch game. So worst case scenario, I could also just pop the cart out, swap the micro SD, and plug it back in to only require a single insertion.
Granted, this might not be feasible for people who just want to use the migswitch as a backup tool to put all their legal games on one cart, but for pirates like myself I'd consider it only a minor setback.
Not to mention the cartridge slot probably being designed to last a lot of insertions before failing
I was doubtful of this before any actual videos came out, but now I'm impressed by how they got past the cartridge protection system.
As for the reinsertion of the cartridge, as others have said, just don't put 20 games on there and you're fine.
I never understood people that liked having that many games at once... You definitely aren't playing all of those.
I find the dumper is a weird accessory, as all it takes is one person with cfw and the nx tool to upload all the id's and everyone else can use it. (of course, not for online, but if you don't care about online, then it's great)