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Obscure button tier list

If you have "Help" instead of "Ins", replace it with Overgod-tier. Keep pressing it, it will come.

OC, feel free to share.

EDIT; Home is now G-od tier. I didn't know it would go to the beginning of a line, I always used macros "lol".

  • I use pgup/pgdn every day. Especially with terminal multiplexers, as I am unaware of how to view the scrollback buffer of long outputs faster than a quick couple of pgup's.

  • Pressing ScrLk twice and then the number of the port switches to this port on the KVM switch in the office. Very specific use case, but still.

    Pause ... I have no idea. If I remember correctly you can, well, pause terminal output with it, but I never tried.

    The rest of the keys I use regularly.

  • I never used to use Home and End until I put them on a layer right next to my home row. Now I can't live without them. Position really makes a difference!

  • I saw the picture before reading the edit and was trying to imagine what OP was doing that made the end key significantly more useful than the home key, like not going backwards on principle or something.

  • I use Win+Pause as a shortcut to bring up the system menu in Windows. I've used it so much over the years, it takes me a minute to figure out how to find that menu when I'm using a keyboard that doesn't have a Windows key.

    I also use Home and End about equally. Quick way to scroll back and forth across text or files/folders.