Do you have any games that you like but you never finished for any reason? Which game is it? Doesn't matter how many times you play and replay it you just never get to see the credits roll.
I think Skyrim gonna be a quite common answer xD
Zelda BotW, the game has all the elements of an RPG I like, but I just can’t enjoy it enough due to its weapon system. A metal sword shouldn’t break after 3 hits.
I'm having similar problems with Tears of the Kingdom. At first I really liked the changes to the game but after 5 - 10 hours I lost any enthusiasm to play it. I kind of remembered the experience playing BOTW which I really fought hard to try and like too.
It's not just the weapon or combat system... I just struggled to care about anything after a while.
I just got a switch last week to play with my nephews. There isn't really anything for me on the switch so i bought totk second-hand. The game is cool and all, but exactly for that reason definitely not for me. I'll just never use them, because they break and i don't want to be dealing with that. I juat read that the new zelda is the same unfortunately
Emulation mods/cheats improve the BotW experience so much. I played through the first 3 infernal machines on my Switch before putting it down and never picking it up again. I started playing on CEMU with unlimited stamina and increased weapon duration, and the game is far more enjoyable.
I think I've put over 500 hours into Skyrim and still haven't met the Greybeards. What a game.
Final Fantasy 12 is another game I keep picking up every couple years and I swear I keep dropping it at the same point every time.
Dragon Age Inquisition I really need to pick up again, that was a good one, but I need to finish Horizon Zero Dawn first, then go back to Elden Ring, probably pick Witcher 3 back up at some point.. yeah, I have a lot of unfinished games.
You might be interested to know that a bunch of the people involved in SC2 made their own company to start working on a new RTS called Stormgate because Blizzard wasn't interested in letting them make another RTS.
the story line is kinda trash, multiplayer is good but because of good path finding units clump together making AOE incredibly effective.
High burst DPS just means games can end in seconds after possibly 10 minutes of build up, it can get real old real fast. but watching professionals do it is still great.
Horizon: Zero Dawn. I got absolute shite aim on the best of days and playing on a controller just makes it worse. Switched to m+kb eventually, but by then, the experience was already marred. Think I'll give it some more time, then try again.
Yep, I have a bad habit of getting like 3/4 through a game and never finishing it. I've been meaning to go back to Yakuza: Like A Dragon at some point because I'm pretty sure I'm nearly at the end by now, but for some reason I can't bring myself to launch the game again and just finish it.
There are plenty of games I thought were good but couldn’t get into, or games where I got distracted and fell off them. So I’ll limit this list to games where I got really far along and then made a conscious decision to stop.
Persona 4 Golden, at the start of the Golden content. I wanted to be done and it was too much to ask me to do another, even longer dungeon.
Zelda: The Wind Waker. I acknowledge it as a good game, but I just did not like sailing around.
Very recently, Age of Wonders 4. I really disliked the last story map and how many factions were running around.
Metal Gear Solid V. Reused missions in the second act, nuff said.
@jessuwu Wind Waker on GameCube was indeed a chore. I always meant to replay it after the first playthrouhh but it was just a huge time investment. If you ever get a chance to play the remake on your Wii U (or some other means), you can get access to a fast sail relatively early on that makes it a lot more fun. Sailing was so slow in the gamecube version as basically an alternative to a loading screen so it's so slow for a technical reason not a gameplay reason. And further into the game you get a fast travel option that cuts down on sailing times even further.
I have such an issue with not finishing games that I really enjoy because I don't want them to end. I put off the final part for so longer that I stop playing the game. Never killed Ganon in BOTW, never actually finished Elden Ring
Yeah, that's part of it for sure. Another part is that exploring felt much more natural in the original. You got a radio signal, went to the coords, and maybe you'd find something you hadn't before. It helps survivability and allows more exploration. Below Zero didn't have that, instead it had me find body parts for an alien, which doesn't do anything till the end game.
I finish all of my games nowadays, but in the past, I regret to have stopped playing at Skies of Arcadia. It’s an awesome game, and I almost finished it back in the days, but I was stuck and I stopped trying at some point. That’s a game I will definitely finish someday :).
Literally the same for me. I'm maybe 60% through FF7 (and rebirth coming does make me wanna finish it up), like 80% done with Control, and barely started up Pentiment.
Control just got frustrating hard playing with a controller that deep into the game (I've got it on PS+ not PC). Pentiment I keep forgetting I even bought.
So many! Right now I'm chipping away at Persona 5 Royal, but also on my list are RDR2, Witcher 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Elden Ring, Dragon Age Inquisition....I want to pick up Yakuza Like a Dragon and Diablo IV but it doesn't feel worth it yet since I don't have much time to play these days
That’s a great list of games for this question. Several good games on there with pacing issues in the middle, the kind that would make you drop the game.
Wild. If I had to say which game is harder between Battletoads and Elden Ring, I’d say Battletoads hands down. I’ve gotten pretty far, but never beat it on NES. I guess I could go the emulator route just so I don’t get that awful feeling every time I see the cartridge, some amount of closure.
Most of them. One of my favourite games of all time, Twilight Princess, is one I haven't technically finished. Did a 100% run for my first full playthrough, spent hours and hours and enjoyed every second. Then I lost my save file (was playing on Cemu) when I was in the castle at the end. Like less than an hour left in the game.
I did play the game a bunch as a kid on my GameCube, but never finished it cause little me liked to just fuck around more than actually progress the game lmao
Same with Majora's Mask for me, honestly. Something has always just dragged me away from it at the wrong time... life stuff, emulator problems, whatever. It hurts. I've only heard about the ending details but I haven't seen it myself yet, but I will. It feels wrong to go look it up on YouTube.
ZTP is also my favorite Zelda tho, btw. Excellent taste.
I've started but never finished plenty of games but one always annoyed me till recently was factorio. I had over a hundred hours and I never even automated blue science.
Then a few months ago I said screw it, started a new save and over the course of 3 months and 150h I finally launched a satellite into space.
I am quite happy now that I did "beat" it but I'll probably revisit it soon, either to try improve my base or to play modded.
Doom Eternal - I played a few hours, was having a good time, but put it off to play something else and just never came back.
Atelier Sophie- always been interested in the Atelier series and finally bought one. I enjoy what I see when I play, but I'm constantly dropping it for something else, only to come back months later, play a little, then drop it again. It's a vicious cycle.
Divinity Original Sin 2- while I enjoy the game, it's so tedious to play that it wears me down every time I try to play it until I drop it.
Guild Wars 2- as much as I enjoy it, I keep thinking I could be playing FF14 instead, which I like more and have a hard time trying to come back to it.
Playing D:OS2 with 3 others REALLY helped me get more into the game. I get dumb brain when I try to control all of the NPCs and I never really make it out of the first act. With a group, I finally hit the 3rd act for the first time lol
We are probably going to transition into Baldurs Gate when that officially drops though and I can see another few hundred hours going to that.
I was thinking I might make my partner play with me, and make it just 2 players using lone wolf. Not sure if she would be down for it, but having to only manage one character would be much easier.
I played it by myself and it was fine up until the last fight in Lucien's tomb (or whatever it's called) where you need to sit through 50 enemy turns before you are killed after barely making a few steps. I just enabled cheats and finished the game, all the good parts of it were before that anyway.
Funny you say that, cause I found the first one a slog to play as by the late game. Those hell levels are so boring to look at in comparison to the early stuff.