I wish there was a simpler way to keep PixelFed private; I get that there is a lot of focus on the fediverse, but this can also serve as a private image/video sharing platform for close friends and family.
Being public by default creates a blocker for the average person joining it.
I can't figure out how to make videos private. I signed up specifically to share pics/vids with my family, but I don't want everything open to everyone
Very nice! Glad to see you're making use of it. I've never been really interested in Instagram so Pixelfed won't be something I'll use but I've got a hankering to try Friendica! I miss some of the good sides of Facebook.
Genuine question - what's the advantage of Pixelfed over Lemmy? Is it just more photo-oriented in some way? Or just different strokes for different folks?
It was just easier to get Pixelfed up and running compared to Lemmy. I'm using Yunohost, which has applications for both, but the one for Lemmy isn't working properly (uploading images is broken, for example). In order to install a fully functional version, I have have to go through this whole process of setting up Docker, which I haven't figured out yet. The Yunohost application for Pixelfed almost just works. I had to do some klugey stuff, but nothing major. I'll get Lemmy running eventually, but this was just a small win for me.