Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced the passing of a law that could render driver’s licenses and other forms of identification from several states invalid, including Vermont.
As of July 1, in addition to Vermont, four other states’ IDs will face extra scrutiny from police, as they may provide forms of identification to applicants who do not give proof of citizenship or legal status:
Rhode Island
The law directs Florida police officers to write a ticket to anyone they pull over who has what is now recognized as an invalid license.
It's long been a cornerstone of my political daydreams that federal charges should be filed, as a matter of course, against any lawmakers who vote for legislation later ruled unConstitutional.
It should be illegal to pass or sign a bill you know is illegal or unconstitutional. But... Then we'd have to prove Republicans actually know the constitution.
I know that it’d be a dangerous precedent, but it’d be nice if Congress could pass a single-instance law requiring the replacement of a state government that is clearly operating outside the Constitution.
These are the out-of-state license classes included in the list:
Connecticut licenses with the disclaimer "Not For Federal Identification."
Delaware licenses that say "Driving Privilege Only" and "Not Valid for Identification."
Hawaii licenses that read "Limited Purpose Driver's License," "Limited Purpose Instruction Permit," "Limited Purpose Provisional Driver's License," and "Not Valid for use for official Federal purposes."
Rhode Island licenses with the disclaimers "Not for Federal Identification," "Driver Privilege Card," and "Driver Privilege Permit."
Vermont licenses that say "Not for REAL ID Purposes Driver’s Privilege Card," "Not for REAL ID Purposes Junior Driver’s Privilege Card," and "Not for REAL ID Purposes Learner’s Privilege Card."
So what's happening is that drivers' licenses which clearly say they're not recognized as ID won't be recognized as an ID? I'm not seeing an issue, then.
REAL ID is a federal requirement to use a driver's license as a form of ID to fly within the US without a passport. They are still legally acceptable forms of ID for all other purposes. They are legal drivers licenses. You still have to prove your identity to acquire them.
You don't need an ID to drive. You need a driver's license. And these licenses now suddenly don't count in DeSantisWorld.
Driving without an ID is not a crime. Driving without a license is. I can see the distinction being lost when you disagree with the person politically though.
So.. let's get this straight, cuz Meatball Boi Don't Say Gay: Between Disney, migrant workers, the LGBTQ community, and now THIS???
Man, ol Ron DeSagtits doesn't want anyone from out of state visiting Florida