The 8000 respondents, from 16 different countries, answered questions on what they thought about Hamas, their opinion on Iran and Western countries, and what actions were needed by Arab states.
Arabs aren’t one people. They’re many different tribes. They’ve been fighting as long as the historical record. So them not caring about the Palestinians is not surprising but obvious.
All arabs remember Jordan September 1970 so nobody trusts the Palestinians one bit and rather prefer they die against the Israeli than their own citizens. They got expelled to Lebanon after Jordan and sparked civil war there for decades and then finally getting expelled in 1991.
So if you wonder why the neighbouring Arab countries don't care. There's your answer.
We see through your tribal bullshit. Y'all hate each other more than my aunts, but you hate Jews more. When people like you say Israelis need to leave the middle east, we know which Israelis you mean. Certainly not the Arabs living in Israel.
Recall that it was the US who had to twist Egypt's arm into accepting refugees. Black September was a thing, and it resulted in several Arab countries refusing to take Palestinian refugees.
It's important that we discuss this. Hamas and other extremist groups take advantage of the kindness that is offered to Palestinians, and they cause civil wars and assassinations. If I remember right, they murdered the king of Jordan.
The Muslim extremists are a problem for everyone, and they make life much harder for Palestinians.
The Israelis themselves know it but deny it. I am confident that one day sooner or later, Palestine will be liberated like Ireland, Algeria and South Africa before it.
“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.
How the fuck did you even interview them? The governments of many Arab countries in this survey would kidnap and jail you indefinitely without trail if you support Palestine in public or on social media, and many other cave in to what they are expected to say. It's garbage in garbage out
Edit: the comments are hell. But what else to except from propagandized westerners that never cared to know from Arabs.
I wish our leaders had a sense of shame or honour, instead many of them are collaborators.
“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.
Not to be pedantic but I'd to clarify one aspect that not many people know.
He was right, except for one. At least from the perspective of those Muslim Arab leaders:
Our God is not theirs.
Islam is an Abrahamic religion, regarded by the Muslim as a continuation of the Abrahamic religions before it. So the muslim regard themselves as having the same god as the Jews and the Christians. Thus, the prophets of the Jewish religion (and even the prophets of the Christianity, Jesus) are also regarded as prophets in Islam. Many of them are mentioned in Quran in good faith. The main difference is the jewish doesn't recognize Muhammad as their prophet while the Muslim regards Muhammad as the last prophet in addition to those before him.
To me, the crazy thing is that 33% of the Arab world doesn't think it was legitimate resistance.
The October 7th attack was clearly terrorism. But to have such a big percentage of the Arab world seem to agree with that, even in such an insanely one-sided situation as the ongoing occupation of Gaza, means:
Palestinians want to live peace with each other. Israelis are the ones that want to go full Nazi and exterminate all Palestinians because they believe they are the Ubermensch.
The west bank being terrorized by ZioNazis is all the proof one needs.
I think it is interesting how many people think there will ever be peace while Hamas is in charge, or that Hamas will ever let someone else be in charge.
Nobody in power ever "lets" someone else have it instead.
On the first part, I agree; both Likud and Hamas are hell-bent on this outcome. If only the one of them would stop giving the other money to keep them both going.
When you're defending beheading children as "legitimate resistance" when you should probably take a step back and take a long hard look at yourself.
And no, before idiots come along and say dumb shit.... That doesn't mean I'm defending Israel's actions either. It's possible to dislike both situations.
If they had any proof of "Beheading children" they would have submitted to the International Court of Justice. but they didn't, they haven't even dared use that sentence. but here your are parroting your Zionist Hasbara Lies and defending a genocidal agenda that have been in the working for over a century
What do you mean? The fascist islamist terrorists of Hamas wanted Israel to retaliate? For what reason? I think you give them too much credit, they just took an opportunity to kill as many as they could.
You know polls are utterly unscientific tea-leaf reading right?
57% sounds empirical and they even have cool little charts to go with it. Best case scenario it was: you got someone who doesn't want to talk to you to talk to you for five minutes, or you set the stage for a talkative bastard to talkative bastard at you until you can break free. Neither are particularly good windows into their actual thoughts about Thing X but furthermore all the responses usually total like 0.000028% of the population.
You know polls are utterly unscientific tea-leaf reading right?
Maths is unscientific now
E: To any downvoters: you are stupid.
Polling is just maths, and is very reliable so long as it's done reasonably.
By all means have reservations of this poll specifically, but to call polls in general or as a concept "unscientific tea leaf reading" is foolish. Disagreeing with that mathematical fact is exactly the same as disagreeing that 5 + 5 = 10.
The al-Aqsa Mosque has been a source of tension as it is located above the Temple Mount, a holy site for both Jews and Christians.
While non-Muslims now have permission to attend their holy site via the Moors Gate, they are forbidden from praying there which has created increased tension.
Palestinians, before October 7, had been permitted to enter Israel with proper documentation for work, medical treatments or for other reasons.
When asked about the responses of regional and international powers to the war, 94% said they considered the United States position negatively, with 82% clarifying they thought it was bad.
The same trend continued for other Western countries with 79%, 78%, and 75% of respondents viewed the positions of France, the UK, and Germany negatively.
In a different survey response, 81% said that they did not believe the US was serious about establishing a Palestinian state and 77% of respondents named the US and Israel as the biggest threat to the security and stability of the region.
The original article contains 666 words, the summary contains 168 words. Saved 75%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!
There is a good saying that Palestinians are like a rag for the rest of the Arab world: when they need to clean their shoes with it, they use it and are happy that they have it and then they throw it away and forget about it.
Unfortunately, this is not the case only with Arabs...
Imagine thinking millions of people "deserve" to be used as pawns and cannon fodder by their own governments as well as the international "community".. 🤢
It's pretty well established that Hamas used those places, making them valid military targets. If you want to be pissed at anyone over them being hit, be pissed at Hamas.
No. No it's not. At all. Israel went back on the hospital tunnel claims because they couldn't fabricate enough "evidence". Many, many other strikes are exactly the same. They bomb and kill dozens on the hunch there is one militant. That's a war crime no matter what side you are on, unless you are on the side of genocide and death.
Yeah sorry we killed you in hospital bro but we think some like, really bad guys were there. So really if you think about it, it's all their fault.
Yeah sorry we blew up the school bro but we we think some like, really bad guys were there. So really if you think about it, it's all their fault.
Yeah sorry we blew up the refugee camp bro but...
On and on and on for like 100 days now as the majority of Gaza has been flattened and 22k+ people have died, mostly innocents. Nobody believes you. This. Shit. Doesn't. Work. Try arguing something else for God's sake.
I have no idea about the hospitals and refugee camps. I just know 20,000 Palestinians have died, mostly women and children, and including dozens of journalists and aid workers.
If Israel wants to avoid civilian casualties, they should pass the message along to the Israeli army.
If the Zionists didn't target Palestine, nothing would be happening right now. This isn't a cycle without a beginning.
Yes, this wasn't the UN giving Israel land randomly, this was influenced by an Israeli fascist terrorist group called the Stern Gang. They forced the British empire and the UN to give 50% of the land to Israel. They gave them 56% of the land but Israel had half the population.
In which reality is this fair? This is an INVASION. Anything happening to Israel is their own fault. They are invading a country. Anything they do to the civilians of the country they are invading is a war crime.
People just need to put themselves in the position of one of the 750k Palestines who were removed from their lands and sent to live in tents because the UN said so. You have your land, your family lives there, you're trying to make a living... Suddenly you have NOTHING. And there are soldiers with assault rifles coming to kill you if you don't leave.
Seriously, how can anyone support Israel? This is a straight up invasion. How else can they defend their land if the US keeps sending military weapons and funding to Israel? How else are the Palestinians supposed to defend their land? Terrorist tactics is all they have left.
Hard to claim this when the Arab governments are anti Palestine. I personally learned about the conflict from reading Israeli authors and historians like Ilan Pappe, my government didn't teach me shit.