Conservative commentator Bill O'Reilly fumed against a Florida school district's decision to pull two of his books while officials determine whether they run afoul of a state law he supported.
The problem with those sorts of niche communities is that they need constant (sometimes heavy-handed) moderation to remain on topic. The Fediverse is not really good at that yet.
That and there needs to be a core of dedicated posters producing new, and good, content.
Reddit made a lot of it easy. Good(ish) mod tools (if you used third party apps or browser extensions) and communities that were large enough to keep people interested in the niche subs.
Paul: "How could you eat MY face?"
Carl: "It's quite simple actually: I took a look at your face, found it tasty, tool a little bite and ate it."
Paul: "That doesn't answer my question!"
Carl: "I remember you specifically giving me permission to, and i quote, 'eat all these faces'."
Paul: "Yeah, i was hoping that you wouldn't eat MY face! The face of your buddy, your best friend, your... soulmate."
Carl: "You could have been a bit more specific then. Now your face is gone. I ate it. And it was quite delicious."
Paul: "... Caaaaaarl."
Carl: "Really delicious! Yum!"
Yes bill, that was the fucking point everyone was making to you while your republican colleagues wrote and ratified that poorly worded and ill-conceived piece of bullshit legislation. I don't remember what it was exactly but I do remember laughing at how obviously it would come back and bite yall in the ass and you dumbfucks, who lack the insight necessary to spot your own hypocrisy, had no idea.
Republicans are always surprised when language cuts both ways. Which is every time. Not really capable of learning; ergo, not fit to govern.
Does anyone remember the time this asshole was sexually harassing one of his underlings and he didn't know the difference between a falafel and a loofah sponge? "I'm going to rub you down with middle eastern food.... "
There's no reason this hack's books should be in any school library to begin with.
“I want to emphasize the fact that there are abuses in certain school districts that harm children,” he said. “There are materials that are inappropriate and those materials have to be specifically included in the law with language that is very specific.”
He'd rather the law say "don't talk about gay people or gay sex but all the other kinds of sex are fine you can talk about that". Does he want them to go down the list by position? Have a specific yes/no on each sexual act? I'm half being facetious because no, seriously, what is "materials that are inappropriate...have to be specifically included in the law with language that is very specific." supposed to mean?? Like what is he talking about. This is literally exactly what he supported.
I seriously thought he was dead. Haven't heard his name in years.
Knew he was an arsehole. Now I realise how much I underestimated how much of an arsehole he was. Out of 2,000 voters in the UK only one in ten believe leaving the EU has helped their finances. Only 9% believe brexit has helped the NHS financially. Rightwingers around the world need to shut the fuck up about brexit when they clearly don't have a clue that it's been a fucking disaster in multiple ways.
What a useless article because I have no idea if he is right and this was political play, or if this is a case of leopards ate my face. I would love for it to be the latter, but I have no idea because it doesn't actually provide any information for me to make that determination.
Tbh it's not totally useless, as it notes the books have only been temporarily removed, and so the reality is that it's neither him being right about a political play nor leopards eating his face...Yet. I haven't found any followup articles on Escambia County Public School District's review of their books, and wouldn't expect to for awhile given they're reportedly reviewing over 1,600+ books for legal compliance. Also, it's kind of ironic that O'Reilly's benefiting from the group Freedom to Read tracking the books under review...
Right now O'Reilly's fuming over kind of nothing, as no decision has been made regarding whether to ban or remove any of the books up for review. They're simply all in-process of review to comply with the ridiculous new legislation. Maybe in that sense it's kind of more of a leopards ate my face situation that his books have even been temporarily pulled for review because of the legislation?
I don't really know what they were expecting though, as I'm guessing many school districts in Florida are having to go through similar processes to avoid running afoul of the law.
What do you mean "why does it matter"? Specific claims were made about the content of two books, and whether or not there's even a story depends on if those claims are true. If the claims aren't true, then the only story is that a librarian lied about some books in order to pull them off shelves.
If his book doesn't violate the law, and people removed it anyway as political retribution, then that is an abuse of power.
If he didn't support the law as-written, and is now pointing to his books being banned because of the poor wording as a reason to support that position, then the position is pretty consistent.
More like MediaLite. What were the books? What official pulled them and on what grounds/passages? Who filed the initial motion/complaint and why? Does Bill plan to do anything more than whine?
Escambia County School District has at least temporarily removed more than 1,000 titles from its shelves because those books have been “alleged to contain pornography or obscene depictions of sexual conduct.” Those include O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus: A History and Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency.
Second paragraph in. The complaints are probably anonymous... so we'll never really know why.
The Florida Freedom to Read Project recently obtained a list of books that have been temporarily removed from libraries in the Escambia County Public School District, which included encyclopedias, The Guinness Book of World Records and two books from conservative pundit O'Reilly: Killing Jesus: A History, and Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency.
In a further statement to the Pensacola News Journal, a district spokesperson clarified that the books included on the list obtained by the Florida Freedom to Read Project "have not been banned or removed from the school district; rather, they have simply been pulled for further review to ensure compliance with the new legislation."
The second chapter describes the life of the Roman general and dictator Julius Caesar, his conquests, his seduction by the Egyptian Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra, and his eventual assassination.
Chapter Seven describes the alleged debaucheries of the Roman emperor Tiberius at Capri, described by the Roman historian Seutonius, accepting all of them as historical.
What are these debaucheries? According to the Wikipedia page of Tiberus:
While Tiberius was in Capri, rumours abounded as to what exactly he was doing there. Suetonius records the rumours of lurid tales of sexual perversity, including graphic depictions of child molestation, cruelty, and most of all his paranoia. While heavily sensationalised, Suetonius' stories at least paint a picture of how Tiberius was perceived by the Roman senatorial class, and what his impact on the Principate was during his 23 years of rule.
As for Killing Regan, the Wikipedia page doesn't provide an indepth summary like Killing Jesus. However, it does say this:
In an op-ed published in National Review, she further stated, "Why the authors want to present this distorted 'witch and wimp' view of Nancy [Reagan] and the 40th president is puzzling, especially since an alternative view of the effect of Reagan's near-death experience is so readily available."
My guess there's a couple of chapters of Throat GOAT Nancy Regan giving someone head.